Monday, September 1, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Questions Concerning Real Wealth Creation, Success, Failure And Tangible Results
I'm in touch with people from around the world on a
daily basis, and the single biggest question I'm asked
most often is…
"How can I use this Wealth Creation information that you teach to begin producing "tangible results" in my life."
That tells me that one of 3 things is happening…
So before exploring further into the physical or tangible aspects of what it takes to begin producing "tangible results" and becoming successful in life, I'll reiterate…
"Both success and failure are an inside game. When you discover the power that you…more specifically that the quality of your thinking holds, combined with the emotional response you choose to attach to it, you determine which of these "seemingly separate" outcomes that you'll experience whether it be success or what is "perceived" as failure.
The choice is yours. Should you choose to remain "unconscious" as to what the consistent thought processes that run through your mind are, which exist as a result of the many times "subconscious" beliefs that you hold, life will deliver outcomes…physical experiences in the form of "tangible results" that harmonize perfectly with the quality of consciousness which is creating those experiences and results.
When you make a conscious choice to become aware of this often unrecognized "cause" which is producing these outcomes in your life and shift your focus, you're making a "conscious" and intentional choice to transform your world."
That is the first and most crucial phase of discovering how to begin consciously, purposefully and intentionally producing tangible results….desired results.
Once you begin to understand the limitless power that you hold…more specifically the power that your thoughts, beliefs and emotions have in creating the "tangible things" in your physical world, and make the "conscious choice" to remain focused on "desired" outcomes, you'll find that the ways and means to make those "desired" outcomes "tangible" begin showing up, often times in ways that you hadn't previously "conceived" were possible.
It's simply a matter of shifting your paradigms with regard to what's possible or not possible for you and which, depending on your individual choices, determines what it is that you'll experience in your life.
Once the internal work is taken care of, the external work…the physical actions taken to begin seeing these "tangible results" becomes MUCH easier and FAR MORE productive, fulfilling and rewarding.
What many fail to understand is that what is being experienced in life in the here and now is only the result of what has been conceived and believed at some point in the past. Your experiences now don't determine who you are, they are merely a reflection of what you were being at some point in the past.
If you have a sincere desire to change what those current experiences are, you only need to make a "conscious choice" to begin today to be something different than you have in the past. Simply begin planting different seeds.
That doesn't mean to get your boss on the phone and tell him you quit, it means making an internal paradigm shift, becoming "conscious of" and changing the predominant thought processes which have created the current condition and "allowing" a different reality to unfold.
This is accomplished by becoming conscious of the consistent predominant thought processes that run through your mind. If you're like the vast majority you'll find that these thought processes run on auto pilot without most even being aware of what these predominant thought processes consist of.
Were you aware that the average person thinks approx. 60,000 thoughts per day? Whether or not you were aware of it you do.
The vast majority couldn't begin to tell you what even a small percentage of those 60,000 thoughts are. Why? Because the vast majority of those thoughts run like an endless tape loop at a "subconscious" level. They are being thought without the person thinking them being aware or "conscious" of them.
It's important to understand that there are 2 aspects of mind. The conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the rational or left brained aspect of mind that is utilized for and connected with the physical aspects of you. It is logical, rational and makes choices based on analyzing the situation, recalling pre-recorded beliefs from the subconscious and makes it's determinations based on that process.
The subconscious aspect of mind is the right brained feminine aspect of mind. It serves as a storage device for what the conscious mind allows to enter into and be stored within it. It also serves as the communication device with the unseen or spiritual realm. The underlying subconscious beliefs and the unconscious thought processes which the subconscious holds, stores and communicates is what determines the physical manifestations that you'll experience in each area of life. It determines the vibrational frequency which is projected and determines what is attracted to you.
Although the conscious mind is utilized to govern the physical actions taken, it is the subconscious which determines and limit’s the end result and what can be experienced in physical form.
When the 2 are acting in harmony…meaning the conscious thought processes align with the underlying subconscious beliefs stored within it, the outcomes begin showing up, many times in ways that are "perceived" to be miraculous.
Although there are many possible answers to that question, for me personally it's been utilizing the leveraging power of the internet and reaching people around the world with what I have to offer.
The question that usually follows is…
"Ok…so how do I get started with an internet
There are an "infinite" number of ways. The best way is to find what it is that you love and are passionate about.
Having a love for what you do…being truly passionate about whatever that might be for you individually is the simplest and fastest way to create substantial success not only in the area of "tangible results" but also serves to establish a sense of harmony and fulfillment in the physical, relational, emotional and spiritual aspects of life as well.
When you feel good about what you do, you project a resonance that attracts more to feel good about. You begin to attract the people, resources, and ideas that will enable you to feel even better.
The information I teach is all about feeling. It's all about becoming and remaining grateful as well as becoming and remaining "conscious" of what it is that you are creating for yourself.
That's a BIG problem for most. Not because they can't, but rather because they make the unfortunate choice of keeping their predominant focus on what they can see with their physical eyes. As a result of continually attempting to "fix" what's wrong most never find the "time" to explore deeply enough to discover that they have the ability to do so or if they do take that initiative, they simply fail to apply what it is that they discover.
Creation, whether it be in your individual life or on a larger scale is governed by a process. A very specific and understandable process. Once you choose to delve deeply enough to understand what this process is and how it operates, you can begin to consciously utilize it in such a way that enables you to begin "consciously" producing "desired" results.
What does this exploration reveal? The fact that what you are currently seeing and experiencing in your physical or "tangible" world is merely a reflection of what's going on within you.
Your thoughts, beliefs and emotions serve as the seed and the events, conditions and circumstances in your life represent the harvest that those seeds have yielded.
I found some statistics recently that make it very obvious why the mass majority never excel and achieve any level of measurable success in their lives.
It was a recent poll taken by CNN that revealed that 86% of the working population felt unfulfilled in their careers and felt trapped, fully "believing" that there was nothing that they could do about it.
I came across some additional statistics that claim that the number one reason for depression is due to career dissatisfaction.
Both of those revelations make it extremely clear as to why most don't achieve any level of success.
Think about what the CNN poll revealed for a minute…
Number 1) - 86% of those polled don't "feel" good about what it is that they do.
Number 2) - They "believe" there is nothing that they can do about it.
I'd be depressed to. Who wouldn't.
If you have any understanding at all with regard to how the Laws of Nature operate, then you understand how both of those "perceptions" could keep so many unnecessarily stuck.
They continue attracting the same results and will until they make the internal shift from a "poverty consciousness" to a "wealth consciousness."
Whether it's monetary wealth, success, wealth or any thing else in life whether tangible or otherwise it all exists as the result of consciousness.
To experience different results, it's only necessary to shift the quality of thinking which is creating the result. It's simply a matter of becoming "conscious" of your consciousness and making a choice to shift the quality of thought in such a way that harmonizes with the desired outcome and then choosing to remain focused on what it is that you have a desire to experience.
Here's the "real" beauty of it…
NOTHING'S exempt including the attainment of monetary wealth. You get to choose whether to be wealthy or poor. You have the ability as well as an inalienable right to choose abundance or lack.
All possibilities already exist. Granted they exist only as a probability, but they do exist and it is your choices which determine what it is that you'll experience.
(If that sounds a bit confusing to you, I recommend reviewing this article I've written explaining Quantum Physics.)
The mass majority believe that success is created through "hard work" and putting forth some excessive effort, continually competing to get "their piece of the pie", doing whatever it takes to achieve what MOST perceive success to be which is more often than not "perceived" to be an accumulation of monetary wealth and toys.
Not that there is anything wrong with those things. They are an effect of success, but not the cause which determines success which so many determine success to be. When you become successful…"Truly" successful these "things"…the money, the toys etc. are merely a bi-product of what you have chosen to become.
First of all, let's define what success is according to Merriam Webster…
Main Entry: suc·cess
Function: noun
Pronunciation: s&k-'ses
Etymology: Latin successus, from succedere
1 obsolete : OUTCOME , RESULT
2 a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome ; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence
3 : one that succeeds
Nowhere in that definition is any mention made of success being defined by money and stuff.
Success…"Real Success" is achieved when you are experiencing harmony in EVERY aspect of your life. Money doesn't create harmony. It's an aspect of experiencing harmony, but in and of itself it isn't and doesn't create harmony at all.
Harmony is an inner game. When you are experiencing harmony on the inside, the external harmony that everyone is seeking begins showing up. In the same way, disharmony is also an inner game. Disharmony inside creates disharmony on the outside.
In reality there is no such thing as disharmony. Even if you're experiencing less than desired outcomes in life, it is simply the process of creation unfolding perfectly and flawlessly as it was intended to do based on the "seeds" that it's being provided to work with.
Who is choosing which seeds are planted? You are. Your thoughts don't control you unless you make a choice to allow them to. Your thoughts don't think you…it's YOU who think your thoughts.
No more can you plant an apple seed and expect an orange tree than can you expect "consciousness seeds" of fear, doubt and worry to produce desired results in your life. The process of creation provides precisely what you ask based on the seeds that you are planting and anything following, meaning the direction of your focus and the actions taken based on those things which serve as the fertilizer determining how which serve as the doing the asking with.
Those seeds are the predominant thoughts, beliefs and emotions that you consistently think.
The first thing that needs to be done prior to taking any action is developing the "belief" that you can.
It has everything to do with the most important
decision you'll ever make...
In fact, every person who's ever been successful
in life and in business has made this decision.
Do you know what "IT" is?
It's the final decision to STOP listening to
what other people think and say, and START taking
control of your own life. It's about taking the initiative to begin molding and shaping your own financial future.
It's no secret that the mass majority never experience their most heartfelt hopes and dreams. It DOES seem to be a secret as to how and why people achieve MASSIVE success. There is a very obvious reason for this. I call it allowing yourself to buy in to a sheeple people mentality.
I learned a long time ago that if you really and truly have a desire to exceed beyond what the vast majority do, you'd better stop listening to and "doing" what the mass majority does.
The majority have been conditioned to live in fear. They've been programmed to believe that massive success, if possible for them at all is the result of hard work, luck, being in the right place at the right time, etc. etc. etc.
Most believe that by continually focusing on what is lacking and attempting to figure out how to avoid or eliminate this lack that they are being logical when the reality is that this line of thinking is in reality creating from fear. Fear of loss…fear of lack…fear of what might happen if they aren't "logical."
You can live from fear, or you can live from wealth and success.
You can't do both.
What I teach is really quite simple. It's only the self created belief filters that people have allowed themselves to form which make the process of achieving massive success complicated.
It's just a matter of focusing on what you love and taking focus off of what you fear. Either choice will attract an outcome without fail and with unwavering certainty.
You have a choice as to what your personal experience will be. It's all about intention combined with attention. One without the other will keep you looking for wealth and success your entire life without ever experiencing what it's like.
Although you might have an intention of becoming successful, if your attention is consistently focused on the polar opposite of your desired intention, your intention will never progress beyond the "wishful thinking" stage.
Put another way…
You can keep your predominant focus on what you fear or keep your predominant focus on what you love.
Would you love to be monetarily wealthy? Set your intention to be that. Keep your predominant focus on being monetarily wealthy and begin taking some action steps that "feel" good to you.
Whatever your individual desires might be whether financial wealth or something else, it's attainment will NEVER be experienced unless and until you learn to harmonize the intention with the attention.
You'll never achieve any level of wealth whether monetarily or otherwise by keeping your predominant focus on it's polar opposite regardless of how grand your conscious "intention" might be.
So why is it that most people don't become wealthy?
Because of the underlying "subconscious" beliefs held with regard to the attainment of wealth.
Most people are skeptical about everything that
crosses their path claiming to make them wealthy and as a result never take the action that would provide what it is that they claim that they want.
Because the mass majority don't believe that they can become wealthy. The ONLY reason that the mass majority "believe" this is because they have allowed themselves to be influenced and conditioned by what the mass majority believes.
These "beliefs" are solidified and substantiated at a subconscious level when actions are taken that are disharmonious with the "underlying" belief and failure is experienced. It supports at a subconscious level that what was learned is true and barriers are constructed based on these past experiences designed to protect you from repeating the same "mistakes" again.
But just for a moment let's consider another possibility…
Is it possible that the actions taken which produced this "perceived" failure was only due to the beliefs that were held concerning it? Could it be that "failure" was experienced because there existed an underlying "subconscious belief" that conflicted with the conscious intention?
ABSOLUTELY! This is why so many never fulfill and experience their most heartfelt dreams and desires. They have overlooked the underlying beliefs which were engrained in them during their most impressionable years, acted on a conscious desire held without first examining and dealing with the conflicting "beliefs" held which serve as the "seed" for the harvest produced.
Until something in the cycle changes those who are ultra successful will continue to be only a small minority. When you have the mass majority teaching others what is "logical" and "realistic" for them, and those who are being taught buy into this limited way of thinking, you'll continue to have a mass majority that continues to produce the less than desired results that the mass majority does.
The bottom line is that you have un-wealthy and unsuccessful people attempting to teach others what it takes to succeed in life based on their self limiting perceptions and beliefs.
Becoming wealthy and successful is a personal decision. It's a decision that you and you alone must make first. Once that decision is made, it's attainment is only determined by what you choose to allow yourself to buy into.
You can nurture or sabotage your intention. You can choose to listen to the naysayers who might tell you that your dreams and visions are far fetched and illogical or you can choose to surround yourself with those who will support, guide and nurture you in it's attainment.
You can choose to surround yourself with input that tells you why you can't or choose to surround yourself with input that says you can.
You can choose to find the way in or choose to accept and continue to take the actions that ensure you'll discover the way out.
If you "TRULY" desire to be successful and wealthy, it's imperative that you find the way in and ignore everything and everyone that tells you it's impossible, illogical or unlikely.
Whatever your individual desires might be, you experience them because you are meant to fulfill them. You have the ability to fulfill them. What you experience is only determined by the choices that you make to believe or not believe that you can. Either choice will produce your harvest.
Neither I, nor anyone else can make you wealthy and successful.
Only YOU can.
Choosing to begin at the internal level will make the attainment of success and wealth much more simple and far easier to achieve.
If you're looking for credible, no nonsense and proven ways to begin generating financial wealth and the means to contribute to others with a desire to do the same you may find benefit in 2 direct marketing models that I personally utilize.
They're called My Internet Business and Passport To Wealth.
Each provide the tools, training, support and SYSTEM to
generate wealth. They may prove to assist you in doing the same.
I hope and trust this post provides some clarity and direction as to what is necessary to begin producing and experiencing "Real Wealth" and "Real Success" in your life.
But if you're skeptical...
That's fine. Be skeptical. I'd rather be rich and fulfilled.
If monetary wealth is something that you have a desire to achieve, STOP listening to the losers and do something right now for the betterment of your future. Opt out of the sheeple people mentality, take control of your life and choose wealth.
That's when you'll begin experiencing "Real Wealth" and massive success.
Make sense?
daily basis, and the single biggest question I'm asked
most often is…
"How can I use this Wealth Creation information that you teach to begin producing "tangible results" in my life."
That tells me that one of 3 things is happening…
- Those asking haven't explored and delved in deeply enough to what I teach
- They aren't grasping the simplicity of what I teach
- They aren't applying what they've discovered
- They aren't grasping the simplicity of what I teach
So before exploring further into the physical or tangible aspects of what it takes to begin producing "tangible results" and becoming successful in life, I'll reiterate…
"Both success and failure are an inside game. When you discover the power that you…more specifically that the quality of your thinking holds, combined with the emotional response you choose to attach to it, you determine which of these "seemingly separate" outcomes that you'll experience whether it be success or what is "perceived" as failure.
The choice is yours. Should you choose to remain "unconscious" as to what the consistent thought processes that run through your mind are, which exist as a result of the many times "subconscious" beliefs that you hold, life will deliver outcomes…physical experiences in the form of "tangible results" that harmonize perfectly with the quality of consciousness which is creating those experiences and results.
When you make a conscious choice to become aware of this often unrecognized "cause" which is producing these outcomes in your life and shift your focus, you're making a "conscious" and intentional choice to transform your world."
That is the first and most crucial phase of discovering how to begin consciously, purposefully and intentionally producing tangible results….desired results.
Once you begin to understand the limitless power that you hold…more specifically the power that your thoughts, beliefs and emotions have in creating the "tangible things" in your physical world, and make the "conscious choice" to remain focused on "desired" outcomes, you'll find that the ways and means to make those "desired" outcomes "tangible" begin showing up, often times in ways that you hadn't previously "conceived" were possible.
It's simply a matter of shifting your paradigms with regard to what's possible or not possible for you and which, depending on your individual choices, determines what it is that you'll experience in your life.
Once the internal work is taken care of, the external work…the physical actions taken to begin seeing these "tangible results" becomes MUCH easier and FAR MORE productive, fulfilling and rewarding.
What many fail to understand is that what is being experienced in life in the here and now is only the result of what has been conceived and believed at some point in the past. Your experiences now don't determine who you are, they are merely a reflection of what you were being at some point in the past.
If you have a sincere desire to change what those current experiences are, you only need to make a "conscious choice" to begin today to be something different than you have in the past. Simply begin planting different seeds.
That doesn't mean to get your boss on the phone and tell him you quit, it means making an internal paradigm shift, becoming "conscious of" and changing the predominant thought processes which have created the current condition and "allowing" a different reality to unfold.
This is accomplished by becoming conscious of the consistent predominant thought processes that run through your mind. If you're like the vast majority you'll find that these thought processes run on auto pilot without most even being aware of what these predominant thought processes consist of.
Were you aware that the average person thinks approx. 60,000 thoughts per day? Whether or not you were aware of it you do.
The vast majority couldn't begin to tell you what even a small percentage of those 60,000 thoughts are. Why? Because the vast majority of those thoughts run like an endless tape loop at a "subconscious" level. They are being thought without the person thinking them being aware or "conscious" of them.
It's important to understand that there are 2 aspects of mind. The conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind is the rational or left brained aspect of mind that is utilized for and connected with the physical aspects of you. It is logical, rational and makes choices based on analyzing the situation, recalling pre-recorded beliefs from the subconscious and makes it's determinations based on that process.
The subconscious aspect of mind is the right brained feminine aspect of mind. It serves as a storage device for what the conscious mind allows to enter into and be stored within it. It also serves as the communication device with the unseen or spiritual realm. The underlying subconscious beliefs and the unconscious thought processes which the subconscious holds, stores and communicates is what determines the physical manifestations that you'll experience in each area of life. It determines the vibrational frequency which is projected and determines what is attracted to you.
Although the conscious mind is utilized to govern the physical actions taken, it is the subconscious which determines and limit’s the end result and what can be experienced in physical form.
When the 2 are acting in harmony…meaning the conscious thought processes align with the underlying subconscious beliefs stored within it, the outcomes begin showing up, many times in ways that are "perceived" to be miraculous.
Although there are many possible answers to that question, for me personally it's been utilizing the leveraging power of the internet and reaching people around the world with what I have to offer.
The question that usually follows is…
"Ok…so how do I get started with an internet
There are an "infinite" number of ways. The best way is to find what it is that you love and are passionate about.
Having a love for what you do…being truly passionate about whatever that might be for you individually is the simplest and fastest way to create substantial success not only in the area of "tangible results" but also serves to establish a sense of harmony and fulfillment in the physical, relational, emotional and spiritual aspects of life as well.
When you feel good about what you do, you project a resonance that attracts more to feel good about. You begin to attract the people, resources, and ideas that will enable you to feel even better.
The information I teach is all about feeling. It's all about becoming and remaining grateful as well as becoming and remaining "conscious" of what it is that you are creating for yourself.
That's a BIG problem for most. Not because they can't, but rather because they make the unfortunate choice of keeping their predominant focus on what they can see with their physical eyes. As a result of continually attempting to "fix" what's wrong most never find the "time" to explore deeply enough to discover that they have the ability to do so or if they do take that initiative, they simply fail to apply what it is that they discover.
Creation, whether it be in your individual life or on a larger scale is governed by a process. A very specific and understandable process. Once you choose to delve deeply enough to understand what this process is and how it operates, you can begin to consciously utilize it in such a way that enables you to begin "consciously" producing "desired" results.
What does this exploration reveal? The fact that what you are currently seeing and experiencing in your physical or "tangible" world is merely a reflection of what's going on within you.
Your thoughts, beliefs and emotions serve as the seed and the events, conditions and circumstances in your life represent the harvest that those seeds have yielded.
I found some statistics recently that make it very obvious why the mass majority never excel and achieve any level of measurable success in their lives.
It was a recent poll taken by CNN that revealed that 86% of the working population felt unfulfilled in their careers and felt trapped, fully "believing" that there was nothing that they could do about it.
I came across some additional statistics that claim that the number one reason for depression is due to career dissatisfaction.
Both of those revelations make it extremely clear as to why most don't achieve any level of success.
Think about what the CNN poll revealed for a minute…
Number 1) - 86% of those polled don't "feel" good about what it is that they do.
Number 2) - They "believe" there is nothing that they can do about it.
I'd be depressed to. Who wouldn't.
If you have any understanding at all with regard to how the Laws of Nature operate, then you understand how both of those "perceptions" could keep so many unnecessarily stuck.
They continue attracting the same results and will until they make the internal shift from a "poverty consciousness" to a "wealth consciousness."
Whether it's monetary wealth, success, wealth or any thing else in life whether tangible or otherwise it all exists as the result of consciousness.
To experience different results, it's only necessary to shift the quality of thinking which is creating the result. It's simply a matter of becoming "conscious" of your consciousness and making a choice to shift the quality of thought in such a way that harmonizes with the desired outcome and then choosing to remain focused on what it is that you have a desire to experience.
Here's the "real" beauty of it…
NOTHING'S exempt including the attainment of monetary wealth. You get to choose whether to be wealthy or poor. You have the ability as well as an inalienable right to choose abundance or lack.
All possibilities already exist. Granted they exist only as a probability, but they do exist and it is your choices which determine what it is that you'll experience.
(If that sounds a bit confusing to you, I recommend reviewing this article I've written explaining Quantum Physics.)
The mass majority believe that success is created through "hard work" and putting forth some excessive effort, continually competing to get "their piece of the pie", doing whatever it takes to achieve what MOST perceive success to be which is more often than not "perceived" to be an accumulation of monetary wealth and toys.
Not that there is anything wrong with those things. They are an effect of success, but not the cause which determines success which so many determine success to be. When you become successful…"Truly" successful these "things"…the money, the toys etc. are merely a bi-product of what you have chosen to become.
First of all, let's define what success is according to Merriam Webster…
Main Entry: suc·cess
Function: noun
Pronunciation: s&k-'ses
Etymology: Latin successus, from succedere
1 obsolete : OUTCOME , RESULT
2 a : degree or measure of succeeding b : favorable or desired outcome ; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence
3 : one that succeeds
Nowhere in that definition is any mention made of success being defined by money and stuff.
Success…"Real Success" is achieved when you are experiencing harmony in EVERY aspect of your life. Money doesn't create harmony. It's an aspect of experiencing harmony, but in and of itself it isn't and doesn't create harmony at all.
Harmony is an inner game. When you are experiencing harmony on the inside, the external harmony that everyone is seeking begins showing up. In the same way, disharmony is also an inner game. Disharmony inside creates disharmony on the outside.
In reality there is no such thing as disharmony. Even if you're experiencing less than desired outcomes in life, it is simply the process of creation unfolding perfectly and flawlessly as it was intended to do based on the "seeds" that it's being provided to work with.
Who is choosing which seeds are planted? You are. Your thoughts don't control you unless you make a choice to allow them to. Your thoughts don't think you…it's YOU who think your thoughts.
No more can you plant an apple seed and expect an orange tree than can you expect "consciousness seeds" of fear, doubt and worry to produce desired results in your life. The process of creation provides precisely what you ask based on the seeds that you are planting and anything following, meaning the direction of your focus and the actions taken based on those things which serve as the fertilizer determining how which serve as the doing the asking with.
Those seeds are the predominant thoughts, beliefs and emotions that you consistently think.
The first thing that needs to be done prior to taking any action is developing the "belief" that you can.
It has everything to do with the most important
decision you'll ever make...
In fact, every person who's ever been successful
in life and in business has made this decision.
Do you know what "IT" is?
It's the final decision to STOP listening to
what other people think and say, and START taking
control of your own life. It's about taking the initiative to begin molding and shaping your own financial future.
It's no secret that the mass majority never experience their most heartfelt hopes and dreams. It DOES seem to be a secret as to how and why people achieve MASSIVE success. There is a very obvious reason for this. I call it allowing yourself to buy in to a sheeple people mentality.
I learned a long time ago that if you really and truly have a desire to exceed beyond what the vast majority do, you'd better stop listening to and "doing" what the mass majority does.
The majority have been conditioned to live in fear. They've been programmed to believe that massive success, if possible for them at all is the result of hard work, luck, being in the right place at the right time, etc. etc. etc.
Most believe that by continually focusing on what is lacking and attempting to figure out how to avoid or eliminate this lack that they are being logical when the reality is that this line of thinking is in reality creating from fear. Fear of loss…fear of lack…fear of what might happen if they aren't "logical."
You can live from fear, or you can live from wealth and success.
You can't do both.
What I teach is really quite simple. It's only the self created belief filters that people have allowed themselves to form which make the process of achieving massive success complicated.
It's just a matter of focusing on what you love and taking focus off of what you fear. Either choice will attract an outcome without fail and with unwavering certainty.
You have a choice as to what your personal experience will be. It's all about intention combined with attention. One without the other will keep you looking for wealth and success your entire life without ever experiencing what it's like.
Although you might have an intention of becoming successful, if your attention is consistently focused on the polar opposite of your desired intention, your intention will never progress beyond the "wishful thinking" stage.
Put another way…
You can keep your predominant focus on what you fear or keep your predominant focus on what you love.
Would you love to be monetarily wealthy? Set your intention to be that. Keep your predominant focus on being monetarily wealthy and begin taking some action steps that "feel" good to you.
Whatever your individual desires might be whether financial wealth or something else, it's attainment will NEVER be experienced unless and until you learn to harmonize the intention with the attention.
You'll never achieve any level of wealth whether monetarily or otherwise by keeping your predominant focus on it's polar opposite regardless of how grand your conscious "intention" might be.
So why is it that most people don't become wealthy?
Because of the underlying "subconscious" beliefs held with regard to the attainment of wealth.
Most people are skeptical about everything that
crosses their path claiming to make them wealthy and as a result never take the action that would provide what it is that they claim that they want.
Because the mass majority don't believe that they can become wealthy. The ONLY reason that the mass majority "believe" this is because they have allowed themselves to be influenced and conditioned by what the mass majority believes.
These "beliefs" are solidified and substantiated at a subconscious level when actions are taken that are disharmonious with the "underlying" belief and failure is experienced. It supports at a subconscious level that what was learned is true and barriers are constructed based on these past experiences designed to protect you from repeating the same "mistakes" again.
But just for a moment let's consider another possibility…
Is it possible that the actions taken which produced this "perceived" failure was only due to the beliefs that were held concerning it? Could it be that "failure" was experienced because there existed an underlying "subconscious belief" that conflicted with the conscious intention?
ABSOLUTELY! This is why so many never fulfill and experience their most heartfelt dreams and desires. They have overlooked the underlying beliefs which were engrained in them during their most impressionable years, acted on a conscious desire held without first examining and dealing with the conflicting "beliefs" held which serve as the "seed" for the harvest produced.
Until something in the cycle changes those who are ultra successful will continue to be only a small minority. When you have the mass majority teaching others what is "logical" and "realistic" for them, and those who are being taught buy into this limited way of thinking, you'll continue to have a mass majority that continues to produce the less than desired results that the mass majority does.
The bottom line is that you have un-wealthy and unsuccessful people attempting to teach others what it takes to succeed in life based on their self limiting perceptions and beliefs.
Becoming wealthy and successful is a personal decision. It's a decision that you and you alone must make first. Once that decision is made, it's attainment is only determined by what you choose to allow yourself to buy into.
You can nurture or sabotage your intention. You can choose to listen to the naysayers who might tell you that your dreams and visions are far fetched and illogical or you can choose to surround yourself with those who will support, guide and nurture you in it's attainment.
You can choose to surround yourself with input that tells you why you can't or choose to surround yourself with input that says you can.
You can choose to find the way in or choose to accept and continue to take the actions that ensure you'll discover the way out.
If you "TRULY" desire to be successful and wealthy, it's imperative that you find the way in and ignore everything and everyone that tells you it's impossible, illogical or unlikely.
Whatever your individual desires might be, you experience them because you are meant to fulfill them. You have the ability to fulfill them. What you experience is only determined by the choices that you make to believe or not believe that you can. Either choice will produce your harvest.
Neither I, nor anyone else can make you wealthy and successful.
Only YOU can.
Choosing to begin at the internal level will make the attainment of success and wealth much more simple and far easier to achieve.
If you're looking for credible, no nonsense and proven ways to begin generating financial wealth and the means to contribute to others with a desire to do the same you may find benefit in 2 direct marketing models that I personally utilize.
They're called My Internet Business and Passport To Wealth.
Each provide the tools, training, support and SYSTEM to
generate wealth. They may prove to assist you in doing the same.
I hope and trust this post provides some clarity and direction as to what is necessary to begin producing and experiencing "Real Wealth" and "Real Success" in your life.
But if you're skeptical...
That's fine. Be skeptical. I'd rather be rich and fulfilled.
If monetary wealth is something that you have a desire to achieve, STOP listening to the losers and do something right now for the betterment of your future. Opt out of the sheeple people mentality, take control of your life and choose wealth.
That's when you'll begin experiencing "Real Wealth" and massive success.
Make sense?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Power Of Living In The Now
Posted by Chuck Danes
Living In The Now : You’ve heard it a thousand times. You’ve read about it for years. Most everyone has been exposed to the concept of living only in the present, without giving thought to what has happened in the past or being concerned about what may happen in the future.
As good as this advice is, we as humans can sometimes find it difficult to implement this ever so simplistic principle into our day to day lives. Simple, yes. Easy, no.
In fact, to many it may initially appear to be impossible. The key word in that statement is appear. Until you know how, it will appear impossible. But once you grasp this simple concept, once you are able to make the necessary shift in your thought process, and once you are able to understand how, fully accept why, and begin to learn to implement the awesome power that this principle holds, you’ll soon discover that your life will begin to change in a dramatic and seemingly miraculous way. Mastery of this powerful principle is essential in relation to your ability to change the circumstances that you are now experiencing as your reality.
But how do you get to that point? What steps are necessary to develop the ability to not be concerned with what currently appears to be huge insurmountable obstacles? How is it possible to be able to ignore the experiences that have previously created hardship in various areas of life in the past, and learn to effectively shut off the thoughts of concern that these very things might be repeated in the future?
These are questions asked by many. All valid and all seemingly impossible to master, until you begin to develop an understanding of how the human mind and the universe were created to operate harmoniously to bring about the events, conditions and circumstances that you experience in your day to day life.
That understanding, combined with the knowledge of basic and simplistic universal laws that determine how and why things happen as they do, will awaken you to new hope and unlimited possibilities.
This understanding will allow you to banish from your mind, the illusions of fear, doubt, worry and guilt, and allow you to begin to replace those counter productive emotions with those that will better serve in bringing about your desired outcomes.
So, how do you do that?…
The process must begin, first of all, with developing an understanding of where these emotions and concerns originate from and why we feel certain ways about the various events, conditions, and circumstances that we experience in our day to day lives. To accomplish this, it is necessary to explore and become "conscious" of the inner workings of the human mind and develop a basic understanding of it’s operation, before you can effectively initiate a plan and begin to consciously make the changes that are necessary which allow you to begin attracting that which you want, and realizing how you have, to this point, been unconsciously attracting those things that you say you don’t want.
Once this basic understanding is mastered, the next step is discovering and developing an understanding of the ever so powerful, unfailing, and unwavering Universal Laws that determine each and every end result and which brings in to being the ultimate outcome of every thought, decision, action, event, and condition that we witness and experience in our day to day lives.
The third step is allowing the understanding of this new knowledge to permeate your innermost being, allowing it's truth to become a part of you, which begins the internal process of allowing it to overwrite the self limiting, counter productive, and many times self sabotaging beliefs held based on ill given advice that you have absorbed and allowed yourself to accept as truth to this point.
The fourth and final step is putting your newly acquired knowledge into daily action and begin consistently and consciously applying each of the newly discovered principles acquired. The knowledge gained without proper application will be of no use to you. It is through the application of this powerful wisdom that you will begin to experience a life that you previously considered to be out of reach.
You’ll soon discover that the things that you, at one time, found to be a struggle will begin to fall into place with unbelievable ease. The once negative thoughts and emotions that at one point haunted you and which are responsible for attracting these "undesirable" events, conditions and circumstances to you, will be replaced with feelings of well being, understanding and an unexplainable yet profoundly empowering deep inner peace.
The financial concerns that once haunted you will melt away and be replaced with a sense of assurance. The relationships that once seemed to be difficult or impossible will become effortless, fulfilling and satisfying. The physical health that at one point was a constant concern will almost magically be renewed and you will emanate vitality, happiness, and energy far superior to anything that you have previously experienced.
Will it take effort on your part to come to realize and experience these results? Yes. Will it require discipline to go within and make the changes necessary to begin to experience the things discussed? Absolutely. Will it be necessary to seek out and find the real truth concerning the life that you were destined to experience and created to enjoy? Most definitely.
Regardless of your viewpoint concerning spiritual matters these truths are set, unwavering, unbiased and totally without prejudice. These eternal laws work exactly the same for everyone whether you are young or old, black or white, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, or whatever other numerous labels man has contrived to place on the human population.
It is these very laws that govern and are responsible for creating the events, conditions, and circumstances that you experience in your day to day life each and every minute of every day, regardless of who, what, or where you are.
Your awareness of them or ignorance to them is of no conciliation. You are creating something every minute of every day. With this being true doesn’t it make sense to discover the process that will allow you to begin consciously creating that which you want?
Your newfound wisdom will allow you to begin the ever important process of living in the here and now, which is precisely where you want to be.
To Recap…
*Explore and discover the basic operation of your mind.
*Familiarize yourself the simple and powerful laws of the universe.
*Allow this knowledge to permeate your inner most being.
*Apply daily, the knowledge acquired.
Make a conscious and intentional effort to consistently keep your attention on living in the now and Your life will change in a dramatic, pleasing and powerful way.
© 2008 Chuck Danes and Enlightened Journey Enterprises. All rights reserved worldwide
Living In The Now : You’ve heard it a thousand times. You’ve read about it for years. Most everyone has been exposed to the concept of living only in the present, without giving thought to what has happened in the past or being concerned about what may happen in the future.
As good as this advice is, we as humans can sometimes find it difficult to implement this ever so simplistic principle into our day to day lives. Simple, yes. Easy, no.
In fact, to many it may initially appear to be impossible. The key word in that statement is appear. Until you know how, it will appear impossible. But once you grasp this simple concept, once you are able to make the necessary shift in your thought process, and once you are able to understand how, fully accept why, and begin to learn to implement the awesome power that this principle holds, you’ll soon discover that your life will begin to change in a dramatic and seemingly miraculous way. Mastery of this powerful principle is essential in relation to your ability to change the circumstances that you are now experiencing as your reality.
But how do you get to that point? What steps are necessary to develop the ability to not be concerned with what currently appears to be huge insurmountable obstacles? How is it possible to be able to ignore the experiences that have previously created hardship in various areas of life in the past, and learn to effectively shut off the thoughts of concern that these very things might be repeated in the future?
These are questions asked by many. All valid and all seemingly impossible to master, until you begin to develop an understanding of how the human mind and the universe were created to operate harmoniously to bring about the events, conditions and circumstances that you experience in your day to day life.
That understanding, combined with the knowledge of basic and simplistic universal laws that determine how and why things happen as they do, will awaken you to new hope and unlimited possibilities.
This understanding will allow you to banish from your mind, the illusions of fear, doubt, worry and guilt, and allow you to begin to replace those counter productive emotions with those that will better serve in bringing about your desired outcomes.
So, how do you do that?…
The process must begin, first of all, with developing an understanding of where these emotions and concerns originate from and why we feel certain ways about the various events, conditions, and circumstances that we experience in our day to day lives. To accomplish this, it is necessary to explore and become "conscious" of the inner workings of the human mind and develop a basic understanding of it’s operation, before you can effectively initiate a plan and begin to consciously make the changes that are necessary which allow you to begin attracting that which you want, and realizing how you have, to this point, been unconsciously attracting those things that you say you don’t want.
Once this basic understanding is mastered, the next step is discovering and developing an understanding of the ever so powerful, unfailing, and unwavering Universal Laws that determine each and every end result and which brings in to being the ultimate outcome of every thought, decision, action, event, and condition that we witness and experience in our day to day lives.
The third step is allowing the understanding of this new knowledge to permeate your innermost being, allowing it's truth to become a part of you, which begins the internal process of allowing it to overwrite the self limiting, counter productive, and many times self sabotaging beliefs held based on ill given advice that you have absorbed and allowed yourself to accept as truth to this point.
The fourth and final step is putting your newly acquired knowledge into daily action and begin consistently and consciously applying each of the newly discovered principles acquired. The knowledge gained without proper application will be of no use to you. It is through the application of this powerful wisdom that you will begin to experience a life that you previously considered to be out of reach.
You’ll soon discover that the things that you, at one time, found to be a struggle will begin to fall into place with unbelievable ease. The once negative thoughts and emotions that at one point haunted you and which are responsible for attracting these "undesirable" events, conditions and circumstances to you, will be replaced with feelings of well being, understanding and an unexplainable yet profoundly empowering deep inner peace.
The financial concerns that once haunted you will melt away and be replaced with a sense of assurance. The relationships that once seemed to be difficult or impossible will become effortless, fulfilling and satisfying. The physical health that at one point was a constant concern will almost magically be renewed and you will emanate vitality, happiness, and energy far superior to anything that you have previously experienced.
Will it take effort on your part to come to realize and experience these results? Yes. Will it require discipline to go within and make the changes necessary to begin to experience the things discussed? Absolutely. Will it be necessary to seek out and find the real truth concerning the life that you were destined to experience and created to enjoy? Most definitely.
Regardless of your viewpoint concerning spiritual matters these truths are set, unwavering, unbiased and totally without prejudice. These eternal laws work exactly the same for everyone whether you are young or old, black or white, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Agnostic, or whatever other numerous labels man has contrived to place on the human population.
It is these very laws that govern and are responsible for creating the events, conditions, and circumstances that you experience in your day to day life each and every minute of every day, regardless of who, what, or where you are.
Your awareness of them or ignorance to them is of no conciliation. You are creating something every minute of every day. With this being true doesn’t it make sense to discover the process that will allow you to begin consciously creating that which you want?
Your newfound wisdom will allow you to begin the ever important process of living in the here and now, which is precisely where you want to be.
To Recap…
*Explore and discover the basic operation of your mind.
*Familiarize yourself the simple and powerful laws of the universe.
*Allow this knowledge to permeate your inner most being.
*Apply daily, the knowledge acquired.
Make a conscious and intentional effort to consistently keep your attention on living in the now and Your life will change in a dramatic, pleasing and powerful way.
© 2008 Chuck Danes and Enlightened Journey Enterprises. All rights reserved worldwide
Monday, July 7, 2008
Are You Ready To Experience Real Wealth? Get Out Of Your Own Way
Posted By Chuck Danes
Do You Have Big Dreams, Desires, And Visions But Can't Seem To Fulfill Them? You May Need To Learn How To Get Out Of Your Own Way.
Here's How.....
Do you ever think about how unfair life is? Do you often allow your emotions to get the best of you? Do you ever allow fear and anxiety to fill you, bind you up, paralyze you, and keep you from achieving all that you know down deep is yours?
If any of this describes you, I have some simple yet profound advice.
What is it? Get Out Of Your Own Way.
Exactly what do I mean by that? Precisely this…..
You have already been provided all that you could ever want and need to fulfill you in this lifetime. Everything and anything that you could possibly imagine, your hopes, dreams, desires, are all attainable and within your grasp, waiting for you to open to, accept, and allow to come to you. You already possess the ability to manifest far more than sufficient quantity in the areas of money, health, and relationships. You have been provided with all the gifts you need to live and experience a life of harmony, joy, inner peace, and unlimited prosperity in whichever area that YOU CHOOSE to experience it in.
If that’s TRULY the case why do you continually fall short of realizing these abilities? Why is it that you appear to experience struggle and strife from day to day, week to week, and year to year. Why does it seem so difficult sometimes just to make ends meet?
Simply because you have not yet discovered the simple steps that it takes to learn how to get out of your own way. You have not yet discovered the truth of your TRUE unlimited potential which was supplied to you and which you have had the ability to use since the beginning of time. You have forgotten and lost sight of the REAL TRUTH concerning who and what you REALLY are and allowed the perceived hardships and limitations of day to day living to dominate your thought process, blocking the manifestation of that which you most desire to experience. You have allowed what “Appears To Be” to blind you to what “Truly Is” and instead of accepting that, you feed and nurture that which you claim that you don’t want to experience, which attracts more of the same.
Re-examine the first three questions that were asked at the beginning of this article. Did you answer yes to any of them? If so, you are creating, more specifically attracting situations that you would rather NOT experience.
You fail to realize that the perceived hardships of today are due to seeds that you have personally sown at some point in the past. And when they show up in whatever form they do you always seek out some temporary external solution believing that it, whatever it is, will somehow fill the void, only to find that at some point in the future the same void returns and presents itself to you once again, sending you again anxiously scurrying about looking for the solutions in the external world where you have failed to find them so many times before, only to find yourself once again unfulfilled, anxious, fearful, all the time knowing that somewhere deep within that there must be a better way. If only you could find it.
You continually attempt to fix effects with effects not fully understanding the need to seek out, discover and develop the knowledge of the TRUE Source from where these effects come.
So where is this Source? Where does this place of peace and serenity exist if at all? How does one find inner peace and comfort in times of trial? When the money’s short and the bills are long, the children are sick, the relationships that you most treasure appearing to be in turmoil, how is it that one can experience peace and serenity? Where are these answers to be found that will correct what "appears" to be real?
They lie within.
Within Each And Every Person That Has The Desire And Willingness To Seek Them Out And Discover Them.
All that is required is to learn to get out of your own way and learn to quietly go within and awaken that which holds and draws to you the answers that you are seeking. To quiet the constant anxious, fearful, and worrysome internal babble that has you convinced that pending doom and disaster is lurking just around the next corner waiting to jump out and lead you down the next path of hardship, rather than placing your focus on the fulfillment of the desires, dreams and visions that you hold as dear.
So precisely how do you get out of your own way? What exactly does it mean to go within?
Here is the step by step breakdown….
* Discover the real truth concerning who and what you TRULY are.
* Take the initiative to discover and eliminate the self limiting false beliefs you have absorbed and have “allowed” to block your path.
* Replace those which you discover aren’t leading you toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires with those that will.
* Understand that when hardship “appears” to be looming that it is only that, an “Appearance” which can easily be changed.
* Understand that the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that you allow are merely seeds that you have the choice and free will to feed and nurture or ignore.
* Come to the understanding that those seeds which are planted, nurtured, and fed will grow, not only in nature but in your life and that any other outcome is impossible and would go against the Laws of Creation
* Learn to develop and express sincere gratitude for that which you experience regardless of how it may appear, fully accepting the fact that ALL THINGS work together for good. That these perceived challenges that you are experiencing today are a direct manifestation of the thoughts feelings and emotions that you have experienced at some point in the past, and merely stepping stones that will enable you to reach your desired destination.
* Become conscious of your day to day thoughts and emotions. When you discover they are not in alignment with your desires, change them
* Begin to understand that happiness is a choice, YOUR choice, and that by choosing that, the weeds that you have allowed to grow as a result of your previous mindset will soon whither away and be replaced with the sweet fruits that result as an effect of implementing your newfound knowledge.
In a condensed version simply focus on your inner happiness regardless of external appearances, focus on and see only positive outcomes in your minds eye, and express thanks for all that you encounter along the way.
Do you have any doubt as to what is being conveyed? Try this exercise…..
The next time troublesome thoughts and emotions ignite within you, focus on them. Really look deeply and focus on what the perceived problem is. Analyze it, ponder it, and allow it to fill your entire being for just a few minutes. Now stop for a second and become aware of how you feel. Really analyze how your body feels, how clear your thinking is. etc. Not very pleasant is it?
Then try this.....
When a situation arises that you usually act upon as you did in the example above, this time discern first of all if there is something that you can do about it. If there is take immediate action to correct it, but only do so with the solution in mind, focusing only on the positive end result that you desire as you take the steps to complete it. If there isn’t anything that you can do at the moment, first of all break focus from the problem. Think about a pleasant time you’ve experienced at some point in your life. A time that really gave you joy or pleasure. Allow your thoughts to shift away from what you can’t currently do anything about right now anyway and purposefully shift your focus to that pleasant experience whatever it might be. Really allow yourself to experience this pleasant memory and experience it like it was happening all over again. Once this is done, then shift your focus to seeing the problem, whatever it may be as resolved. See the end result that you desire to experience. Feel it, hear it, touch it, taste it, and see it. How does it feel now that it is no longer a problem? Now express Gratitude for receiving the answer and go about your day to day activities. Now stop for a minute and analyze how your body feels. How clear is your thinking?
Do you feel the difference?
Don't analyze, think about, or wonder how or when your solution is going to happen. Just "allow" it to happen. Remain aware of signs that may show up. Be alert to potential opportunities that may arise. Don't worry about HOW, just "Know" that they will. Don't concern yourself with WHEN, just understand that they will. Refrain from engaging your logical and analytical thinking process. Creation and attraction is NOT logical in relation to widespread and commonly held beliefs.
Do not underestimate the power of this simple exercise. Many times the simplest things in life produce the most amazing results. This exercise is one of them.Begin to understand the simple, powerful and miraculous process of manifestation.Discover and accept the truth concerning the Unconditional Love that is yours and provides precisely what you ask based on your beliefs. Develop the self awareness to dig deeply enough to discern what those beliefs that you hold really consist of at their core. Change those which you find aren’t serving you. Don’t allow your thoughts to focus on problems that you can’t do anything about at the moment which creates self induced stress, fear and weakens your body as well as your spirit, and at the same time attracts to you MORE of that which you are attempting to eliminate. And ABOVE ALL, express sincere and heartfelt thanks for the growth that you experience along the way.
Take immediate and focused action on that which you can change with only the solution in mind. Break focus from that which you find you can’t currently do anything about and allow yourself to experience and ponder on only pleasant things. Engage ALL of your physical senses and experience the end result, the solution. Persevere and practice this exercise and before you know it your perceived problems will melt away like snow in springtime.
Yes, it may take a little practice to master. It may require a little discipline before you will begin to experience the effortlessness of shifting your thinking. But persevere in it's implementation and it WILL.
Once you have accomplished and mastered this exercise and learn to consciously and consistently use it, you will have learned what it means to "get out of your own way."
Yes it may take effort initially to retrain your mind. But I can assure you that the reward is FAR GREATER than the initial effort.
The answers you seek are readily available. All your hopes, dreams and visions for the future can and will become a reality in your life IF you’ll allow them to. Anything that you are able to conceive and hold in your mind can be and IS experienced in the physical world. That which you place your focus and emphasis on whether consciously or unconsciously IS attracted to you, manifests and becomes your reality.
You are the producer and director in this movie called life. You possess the power to rewrite each scene. Become consciously aware of the script that you are writing. Allow each scene to express abundance and limitless prosperity in each area of your life and you will begin to experience just that.
Now you know what it means to "Get Out Of Your Own Way." Implement what you have discovered and that which you most desire to experience in your life will be attracted to you.
You have the ability to experience Joy, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, Harmony and Limitless Prosperity in each and every area of your life.
Allow It, Receive It And Experience it.
How? It's really quite simple....Get Out Of Your Own Way.
Copyright© 2005-2008 Chuck Danes. All rights reserved worldwide
For more information regarding how you can begin experiencing "Real Wealth Creation" for yourself, check out the "Real Wealth Creation" section at my personal empowerment portal
I also publish a monthly Personal Empowerment/Wealth Creation E-Zine called Enlightened Journey that provides some in depth guidance and insight for creating "Real Wealth" in your life whether it be physically, financially, relationally emotionally, and/or spiritually. Come join the Enlightened Journey family. I think you'll be glad that you did.
Do You Have Big Dreams, Desires, And Visions But Can't Seem To Fulfill Them? You May Need To Learn How To Get Out Of Your Own Way.
Here's How.....
Do you ever think about how unfair life is? Do you often allow your emotions to get the best of you? Do you ever allow fear and anxiety to fill you, bind you up, paralyze you, and keep you from achieving all that you know down deep is yours?
If any of this describes you, I have some simple yet profound advice.
What is it? Get Out Of Your Own Way.
Exactly what do I mean by that? Precisely this…..
You have already been provided all that you could ever want and need to fulfill you in this lifetime. Everything and anything that you could possibly imagine, your hopes, dreams, desires, are all attainable and within your grasp, waiting for you to open to, accept, and allow to come to you. You already possess the ability to manifest far more than sufficient quantity in the areas of money, health, and relationships. You have been provided with all the gifts you need to live and experience a life of harmony, joy, inner peace, and unlimited prosperity in whichever area that YOU CHOOSE to experience it in.
If that’s TRULY the case why do you continually fall short of realizing these abilities? Why is it that you appear to experience struggle and strife from day to day, week to week, and year to year. Why does it seem so difficult sometimes just to make ends meet?
Simply because you have not yet discovered the simple steps that it takes to learn how to get out of your own way. You have not yet discovered the truth of your TRUE unlimited potential which was supplied to you and which you have had the ability to use since the beginning of time. You have forgotten and lost sight of the REAL TRUTH concerning who and what you REALLY are and allowed the perceived hardships and limitations of day to day living to dominate your thought process, blocking the manifestation of that which you most desire to experience. You have allowed what “Appears To Be” to blind you to what “Truly Is” and instead of accepting that, you feed and nurture that which you claim that you don’t want to experience, which attracts more of the same.
Re-examine the first three questions that were asked at the beginning of this article. Did you answer yes to any of them? If so, you are creating, more specifically attracting situations that you would rather NOT experience.
You fail to realize that the perceived hardships of today are due to seeds that you have personally sown at some point in the past. And when they show up in whatever form they do you always seek out some temporary external solution believing that it, whatever it is, will somehow fill the void, only to find that at some point in the future the same void returns and presents itself to you once again, sending you again anxiously scurrying about looking for the solutions in the external world where you have failed to find them so many times before, only to find yourself once again unfulfilled, anxious, fearful, all the time knowing that somewhere deep within that there must be a better way. If only you could find it.
You continually attempt to fix effects with effects not fully understanding the need to seek out, discover and develop the knowledge of the TRUE Source from where these effects come.
So where is this Source? Where does this place of peace and serenity exist if at all? How does one find inner peace and comfort in times of trial? When the money’s short and the bills are long, the children are sick, the relationships that you most treasure appearing to be in turmoil, how is it that one can experience peace and serenity? Where are these answers to be found that will correct what "appears" to be real?
They lie within.
Within Each And Every Person That Has The Desire And Willingness To Seek Them Out And Discover Them.
All that is required is to learn to get out of your own way and learn to quietly go within and awaken that which holds and draws to you the answers that you are seeking. To quiet the constant anxious, fearful, and worrysome internal babble that has you convinced that pending doom and disaster is lurking just around the next corner waiting to jump out and lead you down the next path of hardship, rather than placing your focus on the fulfillment of the desires, dreams and visions that you hold as dear.
So precisely how do you get out of your own way? What exactly does it mean to go within?
Here is the step by step breakdown….
* Discover the real truth concerning who and what you TRULY are.
* Take the initiative to discover and eliminate the self limiting false beliefs you have absorbed and have “allowed” to block your path.
* Replace those which you discover aren’t leading you toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires with those that will.
* Understand that when hardship “appears” to be looming that it is only that, an “Appearance” which can easily be changed.
* Understand that the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that you allow are merely seeds that you have the choice and free will to feed and nurture or ignore.
* Come to the understanding that those seeds which are planted, nurtured, and fed will grow, not only in nature but in your life and that any other outcome is impossible and would go against the Laws of Creation
* Learn to develop and express sincere gratitude for that which you experience regardless of how it may appear, fully accepting the fact that ALL THINGS work together for good. That these perceived challenges that you are experiencing today are a direct manifestation of the thoughts feelings and emotions that you have experienced at some point in the past, and merely stepping stones that will enable you to reach your desired destination.
* Become conscious of your day to day thoughts and emotions. When you discover they are not in alignment with your desires, change them
* Begin to understand that happiness is a choice, YOUR choice, and that by choosing that, the weeds that you have allowed to grow as a result of your previous mindset will soon whither away and be replaced with the sweet fruits that result as an effect of implementing your newfound knowledge.
In a condensed version simply focus on your inner happiness regardless of external appearances, focus on and see only positive outcomes in your minds eye, and express thanks for all that you encounter along the way.
Do you have any doubt as to what is being conveyed? Try this exercise…..
The next time troublesome thoughts and emotions ignite within you, focus on them. Really look deeply and focus on what the perceived problem is. Analyze it, ponder it, and allow it to fill your entire being for just a few minutes. Now stop for a second and become aware of how you feel. Really analyze how your body feels, how clear your thinking is. etc. Not very pleasant is it?
Then try this.....
When a situation arises that you usually act upon as you did in the example above, this time discern first of all if there is something that you can do about it. If there is take immediate action to correct it, but only do so with the solution in mind, focusing only on the positive end result that you desire as you take the steps to complete it. If there isn’t anything that you can do at the moment, first of all break focus from the problem. Think about a pleasant time you’ve experienced at some point in your life. A time that really gave you joy or pleasure. Allow your thoughts to shift away from what you can’t currently do anything about right now anyway and purposefully shift your focus to that pleasant experience whatever it might be. Really allow yourself to experience this pleasant memory and experience it like it was happening all over again. Once this is done, then shift your focus to seeing the problem, whatever it may be as resolved. See the end result that you desire to experience. Feel it, hear it, touch it, taste it, and see it. How does it feel now that it is no longer a problem? Now express Gratitude for receiving the answer and go about your day to day activities. Now stop for a minute and analyze how your body feels. How clear is your thinking?
Do you feel the difference?
Don't analyze, think about, or wonder how or when your solution is going to happen. Just "allow" it to happen. Remain aware of signs that may show up. Be alert to potential opportunities that may arise. Don't worry about HOW, just "Know" that they will. Don't concern yourself with WHEN, just understand that they will. Refrain from engaging your logical and analytical thinking process. Creation and attraction is NOT logical in relation to widespread and commonly held beliefs.
Do not underestimate the power of this simple exercise. Many times the simplest things in life produce the most amazing results. This exercise is one of them.Begin to understand the simple, powerful and miraculous process of manifestation.Discover and accept the truth concerning the Unconditional Love that is yours and provides precisely what you ask based on your beliefs. Develop the self awareness to dig deeply enough to discern what those beliefs that you hold really consist of at their core. Change those which you find aren’t serving you. Don’t allow your thoughts to focus on problems that you can’t do anything about at the moment which creates self induced stress, fear and weakens your body as well as your spirit, and at the same time attracts to you MORE of that which you are attempting to eliminate. And ABOVE ALL, express sincere and heartfelt thanks for the growth that you experience along the way.
Take immediate and focused action on that which you can change with only the solution in mind. Break focus from that which you find you can’t currently do anything about and allow yourself to experience and ponder on only pleasant things. Engage ALL of your physical senses and experience the end result, the solution. Persevere and practice this exercise and before you know it your perceived problems will melt away like snow in springtime.
Yes, it may take a little practice to master. It may require a little discipline before you will begin to experience the effortlessness of shifting your thinking. But persevere in it's implementation and it WILL.
Once you have accomplished and mastered this exercise and learn to consciously and consistently use it, you will have learned what it means to "get out of your own way."
Yes it may take effort initially to retrain your mind. But I can assure you that the reward is FAR GREATER than the initial effort.
The answers you seek are readily available. All your hopes, dreams and visions for the future can and will become a reality in your life IF you’ll allow them to. Anything that you are able to conceive and hold in your mind can be and IS experienced in the physical world. That which you place your focus and emphasis on whether consciously or unconsciously IS attracted to you, manifests and becomes your reality.
You are the producer and director in this movie called life. You possess the power to rewrite each scene. Become consciously aware of the script that you are writing. Allow each scene to express abundance and limitless prosperity in each area of your life and you will begin to experience just that.
Now you know what it means to "Get Out Of Your Own Way." Implement what you have discovered and that which you most desire to experience in your life will be attracted to you.
You have the ability to experience Joy, Fulfillment, Inner Peace, Harmony and Limitless Prosperity in each and every area of your life.
Allow It, Receive It And Experience it.
How? It's really quite simple....Get Out Of Your Own Way.
Copyright© 2005-2008 Chuck Danes. All rights reserved worldwide
For more information regarding how you can begin experiencing "Real Wealth Creation" for yourself, check out the "Real Wealth Creation" section at my personal empowerment portal
I also publish a monthly Personal Empowerment/Wealth Creation E-Zine called Enlightened Journey that provides some in depth guidance and insight for creating "Real Wealth" in your life whether it be physically, financially, relationally emotionally, and/or spiritually. Come join the Enlightened Journey family. I think you'll be glad that you did.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
What Are You Attracting?
Posted By Chuck Danes
There are so many varying types of people in our world with unique personalities, different perspectives, varying degrees of beliefs, varying levels of self esteem, etc.
Each and every individual that makes up the population of this place we call earth is unique in one way or another.
One common thread with the mass majority, regardless of ones uniqueness, is a desire to become more. More what you ask? The answer to that question is as varying and unique as each individual.
Some want more money, others want more love, some want a new car, still others want a new house. Some believe that if they could only get that piece of property they have been looking at, then they’d be happy. If they could only attain that million dollar portfolio, then everything would be alright. If they could only find just the right mate then life would be perfect. If they only had better health then they would be fulfilled.
Many receive the material things that they want only to find in an unspecified amount of time that what they thought would make them happy, eventually loses it’s appeal and they find themselves wanting something else. Something More.
They rationalize in their minds that they made a mistake. The thing that they initially thought they wanted, and what they thought would make them happy, wasn’t really what they thought to begin with, but now, this time, they really know what it is that they want, and if they can only acquire that thing, then they will be truly happy.
It’s an endless cycle. Wanting more, receiving it, and then wanting something else after that thing loses it’s appeal.
Many today assume that material things will bring them the happiness they seek, only to be let down time and again.
Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to attain things, and wanting to become more, there is far more to true fulfillment than just acquiring material possessions. The desire to become more is a totally natural and actually commendable human trait, and not one that anyone should feel any guilt about.
Although most everyone wants to be fulfilled in their lives, most unknowingly and "unconsciously" go about it in the wrong way. The majority believes that they must find their fulfillment in an external world. They fail to realize that what it is they desire must first be manifest on the inside before it can ever be experienced on the outside.
Let’s look at the 3 main groups of people…
Some it seems, receive everything they want. Regardless of how far fetched or impossible it may seem to others, these people seem to effortlessly attract to themselves whatever it is they desire, whether it be things of a monetary nature, rigorous health, or fulfilling relationships. This small class of people are truly fulfilled in their lives. They have discovered the key to attracting the unlimited and immeasurable abundance that has been made available to them. They refuse to accept the common self limiting, self sabotaging thinking of the masses and as a result, experience the fullness of life which they have come to recognize and accept as their birthright.
Then there are those that appear to excel in one or two of the three important areas, but fail to realize fulfillment in the others. It seems that this type of person can manifest results in a specific area with ease, but appear totally helpless and unable to bring about the desired results in the other areas.
And finally there is the type that wants, wants, wants, but seem to continually fall short time and again, and never receive the things wanted. The specific reasons for this are again as unique as the individual, and can have as many possible reasons for not receiving whatever the desire is, based on the mind of the person doing the wanting.
So what is the difference between the first group and the following two? What allows some to attract and receive whatever it is they desire, why others seem to just scrape by , barely able to make ends meet? Why is it that some seem to float through life with seemingly effortless ease, while others appear to be in a constant state of struggle?
Quite simply, though seemingly complicated on the surface, at it’s core it is based on an individuals beliefs. It is based on what you have come to believe to be true. It is based on your ability to accept and love yourself enough to allow the incredibly powerful law of attraction to draw to you those events, conditions, and circumstances that you most desire to have in your life. It is based on your ability and willingness to see yourself worthy of receiving them. It is made possible due to an internal harmony.
How do you attain this harmony? By going within. It is achieved by learning to quite the noise of the external world and allowing the Source of all wisdom and knowledge to communicate with you through the silence.
You were created to become more. By becoming more you are able to contribute more. By contributing more, you are assisting others to become more. By assisting others to become more you are fulfilling the “Grand Plan” that you were put here to fulfill.
It is an endless and Divinely placed cycle put into place by a Divine Source that loves you far more than you could ever possibly conceive with human understanding. Anything and Everything that you can possibly conceive has the possibility of being created, and it’s actualization is only dependent on your ability to discover and tap into the tremendous creative power within yourself to reach out to it, accept it, and fully open yourself to the reality that you are worthy, and that it is in fact yours to receive.
Continue to become more on the inside and you will discover and experience a life that is fulfilling far beyond what you ever thought was possible on the outside. Continue to give more and you will receive more. Continue to love more and you will be loved more.
The choice is yours. You have the ability and the free will to become more, in each of the important areas that you desire to improve. Take the time to discover your true worth. Regularly quite the mind and ask for and seek a deeper understanding. Discover and utilize your Divinely given gifts in the proper way and you will have opened the door to unlimited blessings, peace, and prosperity far beyond what you ever thought was humanly possible.
Seek the inner wisdom that is available to you, discover and make the internal changes that are necessary for your individual situation and the external conditions, events and circumstances that you experience in your life will change, in a dramatic and powerful way.
Make a conscious effort to harmonize what is on the inside, and the external things you desire will magically manifest on the outside.
What is available to you in your life? The possibilities are infinite, and limited only by your ability to realize and accept them. You possess the ability to attract whatever it is you desire for your life.
What results do you desire? What answers are you seeking? What results are you currently receiving? What internal changes do you need to make to manifest abundance in every area of your life? Go within and discover what is right for you. The answers to living in Fulfillment in the external world are available within your internal self. Everything you desire has already been given to you. You just need to discover and unlock it.
You were created in the image and likeness of your Creator. You have been given the power to manifest whatever it is that you desire. Go within and find it. It is there waiting for you to discover it.
What internal changes do you need to make to realize a life of Abundance and Happiness?
Do you need to develop your ability to go within? You can answer that simple question by asking yourself another simple question...
What Are You Attracting?
“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” ~ James Allen
And I say unto you, ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives, and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Luke 11;9-13 The Bible
© Chuck Danes. All rights reserved worldwide.
You can view this and many more articles relating to "Real Wealth" Creation, self improvement and personal empowerment at my personal empowerment portal
There are so many varying types of people in our world with unique personalities, different perspectives, varying degrees of beliefs, varying levels of self esteem, etc.
Each and every individual that makes up the population of this place we call earth is unique in one way or another.
One common thread with the mass majority, regardless of ones uniqueness, is a desire to become more. More what you ask? The answer to that question is as varying and unique as each individual.
Some want more money, others want more love, some want a new car, still others want a new house. Some believe that if they could only get that piece of property they have been looking at, then they’d be happy. If they could only attain that million dollar portfolio, then everything would be alright. If they could only find just the right mate then life would be perfect. If they only had better health then they would be fulfilled.
Many receive the material things that they want only to find in an unspecified amount of time that what they thought would make them happy, eventually loses it’s appeal and they find themselves wanting something else. Something More.
They rationalize in their minds that they made a mistake. The thing that they initially thought they wanted, and what they thought would make them happy, wasn’t really what they thought to begin with, but now, this time, they really know what it is that they want, and if they can only acquire that thing, then they will be truly happy.
It’s an endless cycle. Wanting more, receiving it, and then wanting something else after that thing loses it’s appeal.
Many today assume that material things will bring them the happiness they seek, only to be let down time and again.
Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to attain things, and wanting to become more, there is far more to true fulfillment than just acquiring material possessions. The desire to become more is a totally natural and actually commendable human trait, and not one that anyone should feel any guilt about.
Although most everyone wants to be fulfilled in their lives, most unknowingly and "unconsciously" go about it in the wrong way. The majority believes that they must find their fulfillment in an external world. They fail to realize that what it is they desire must first be manifest on the inside before it can ever be experienced on the outside.
Let’s look at the 3 main groups of people…
Some it seems, receive everything they want. Regardless of how far fetched or impossible it may seem to others, these people seem to effortlessly attract to themselves whatever it is they desire, whether it be things of a monetary nature, rigorous health, or fulfilling relationships. This small class of people are truly fulfilled in their lives. They have discovered the key to attracting the unlimited and immeasurable abundance that has been made available to them. They refuse to accept the common self limiting, self sabotaging thinking of the masses and as a result, experience the fullness of life which they have come to recognize and accept as their birthright.
Then there are those that appear to excel in one or two of the three important areas, but fail to realize fulfillment in the others. It seems that this type of person can manifest results in a specific area with ease, but appear totally helpless and unable to bring about the desired results in the other areas.
And finally there is the type that wants, wants, wants, but seem to continually fall short time and again, and never receive the things wanted. The specific reasons for this are again as unique as the individual, and can have as many possible reasons for not receiving whatever the desire is, based on the mind of the person doing the wanting.
So what is the difference between the first group and the following two? What allows some to attract and receive whatever it is they desire, why others seem to just scrape by , barely able to make ends meet? Why is it that some seem to float through life with seemingly effortless ease, while others appear to be in a constant state of struggle?
Quite simply, though seemingly complicated on the surface, at it’s core it is based on an individuals beliefs. It is based on what you have come to believe to be true. It is based on your ability to accept and love yourself enough to allow the incredibly powerful law of attraction to draw to you those events, conditions, and circumstances that you most desire to have in your life. It is based on your ability and willingness to see yourself worthy of receiving them. It is made possible due to an internal harmony.
How do you attain this harmony? By going within. It is achieved by learning to quite the noise of the external world and allowing the Source of all wisdom and knowledge to communicate with you through the silence.
You were created to become more. By becoming more you are able to contribute more. By contributing more, you are assisting others to become more. By assisting others to become more you are fulfilling the “Grand Plan” that you were put here to fulfill.
It is an endless and Divinely placed cycle put into place by a Divine Source that loves you far more than you could ever possibly conceive with human understanding. Anything and Everything that you can possibly conceive has the possibility of being created, and it’s actualization is only dependent on your ability to discover and tap into the tremendous creative power within yourself to reach out to it, accept it, and fully open yourself to the reality that you are worthy, and that it is in fact yours to receive.
Continue to become more on the inside and you will discover and experience a life that is fulfilling far beyond what you ever thought was possible on the outside. Continue to give more and you will receive more. Continue to love more and you will be loved more.
The choice is yours. You have the ability and the free will to become more, in each of the important areas that you desire to improve. Take the time to discover your true worth. Regularly quite the mind and ask for and seek a deeper understanding. Discover and utilize your Divinely given gifts in the proper way and you will have opened the door to unlimited blessings, peace, and prosperity far beyond what you ever thought was humanly possible.
Seek the inner wisdom that is available to you, discover and make the internal changes that are necessary for your individual situation and the external conditions, events and circumstances that you experience in your life will change, in a dramatic and powerful way.
Make a conscious effort to harmonize what is on the inside, and the external things you desire will magically manifest on the outside.
What is available to you in your life? The possibilities are infinite, and limited only by your ability to realize and accept them. You possess the ability to attract whatever it is you desire for your life.
What results do you desire? What answers are you seeking? What results are you currently receiving? What internal changes do you need to make to manifest abundance in every area of your life? Go within and discover what is right for you. The answers to living in Fulfillment in the external world are available within your internal self. Everything you desire has already been given to you. You just need to discover and unlock it.
You were created in the image and likeness of your Creator. You have been given the power to manifest whatever it is that you desire. Go within and find it. It is there waiting for you to discover it.
What internal changes do you need to make to realize a life of Abundance and Happiness?
Do you need to develop your ability to go within? You can answer that simple question by asking yourself another simple question...
What Are You Attracting?
“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” ~ James Allen
And I say unto you, ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone that asks receives, and he that seeks finds, and to him that knocks, it shall be opened. Luke 11;9-13 The Bible
© Chuck Danes. All rights reserved worldwide.
You can view this and many more articles relating to "Real Wealth" Creation, self improvement and personal empowerment at my personal empowerment portal
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Financial Wealth : It's MUCH Easier To Attain Than Most Believe
I thought I'd focus specifically today on an aspect of wealth that the mass majority believe is what will create happiness in their lives.
Many today believe that when they attain a predefined monetary goal that everything in their life is going to be OK...that then they'll be happy. Sorry to inform you but money in and of itself doesn't make your life OK...nor will it make you happy.
In fact when the perception is held that money serves as the barometer which determines happiness, you'll find that happiness is never experienced. You'll find yourself always wanting more thinking that the next thousand or ten thousand or million will do the trick only to find that there's still an emptiness...some existing void that you can't seem to put your finger on.
I have personally been there, done that and bought the t-shirt as well as consult with countless others who have, once reaching a level of financial wealth, discovered the same thing.
That's not to say that money isn't an important "factor" in experiencing happiness, fulfillment and "Real Wealth" in our day to day lives because it is EXTREMELY important. If we're unable to pay our bills and support our families, we carry a great deal of stress on our shoulders. A lack of money can and does create fear, anxiety and can quite literally lead to illness. But it isn't the lack of money which does this although many will disagree. It's our perceptions and beliefs with regard to it which serve as the underlying cause and is precisely what will enable these "undesirable" experiences to continue.
Yes, money is important in our world, but it's a seriously flawed and widely misunderstood "perception" to conclude that money is the key to happiness rather than the "real truth" which is that money is important.
Don't misunderstand…
A desire to attain financial freedom is a very commendable goal to have. Financial wealth is an important "aspect" of experiencing "Real Wealth" and fulfillment in life, but it is just that…an aspect of of "Real Wealth." To attain financial wealth means to be able to give contribute more, which in turn enables us to gain more wealth.
In consulting and working with various people who possess a strong desire to amass financial wealth, although initially they might truly believe that it's monetary wealth and financial freedom that they're after, the reality is that it's not really anything financial at all but rather the ability to be enabled to do what they want when they want.
It's not the money in and of itself, but what the money will enable them to do and how they will feel when they are experiencing the many pleasures that money can and does provide.
It is about the freedom…about experiencing a quality of life, but it really has nothing to do with money. It has to do with time freedom, the ability to engage in fulfilling work that you receive satisfaction and fulfillment from rather than doing what you feel you must do to survive…it's REALLY about providing for those that we love most the kind of lifestyle that we have a desire to provide.
Now that we've established that fact, let's look at another widely held misconception regarding the attainment of money...
Many "believe" that the attainment of financial wealth is difficult. Perhaps you believe the same thing.
Contrary to widespread "belief", in today's world attaining financial wealth isn't difficult at all. In fact it can be quite simple once you become willing to expand your focus and accept the fact that whatever it is that you've been doing which has created the current circumstances is going to continue to produce the same results you've been receiving unless you become willing to make some changes and do something different.
The fact is that if change is desired, it's going to be necessary to realize that it's you that's going to have to change first. Contrary to what MOST would have you "believe" that this change must consist of, the change that will provide the greatest and most sustainable benefit has nothing to do with working longer and harder at something that you find displeasing but rather begins with a willingness to expand your awareness as to the "infinite" possibilities which are available to you. It's simply a matter of expanding your beliefs and shifting your paradigms.
As an example…
The incredible leveraging technologies available and easily accessible in today's world since the creation of the internet, make it quite easy to amass substantial amounts of money in far less time and with far less "physical effort" than has ever been possible in the history of the world.
The wealth creating power of the internet has increased one's ability to amass financial wealth exponentially over traditional brick and mortar businesses
Granted there are many that hold "beliefs" that they don't have the education, the technical know how or the ability to utilize this wealth creation machine to amass financial wealth for themselves, but these "beliefs" are totally unfounded and only held due to an unwillingness to become aware of the incredibly simplified systems and resources which have become available in the past decade that even a small child could effectively initiate and utilize.
The numerous turnkey wealth creating systems that exist today eliminate the need for extensive knowledge of technology, marketing savvy and business degrees. The internet has opened up doors of opportunity for amassing financial wealth
Achieving financial freedom doesn't require expensive university degrees, some new idea, invention or breakthrough discovery. It only requires a bit of understanding as to what's available to you and making a "conscious choice" to utilize and apply the simple forms of technologies that are readily available to anyone willing to become aware of them. That's the first step. Once this is accomplished it's only necessary to become "conscious of", learn to recognize, change and look beyond the self sabotaging belief filters that keep so many trapped in "seemingly" inescapable financial bondage. A lack of financial freedom or lack in any area of life for that matter is merely a perception held in mind that creates that "reality" in your life.
These self limiting perceptions are numerous
In my encounters with countless people, the very systems that are used by many to create substantial amounts of financial wealth are often "perceived" to be "too good to be true" or as many are so quick to label them…scams.
Why is it that some recognize and effectively utilize the incredible technological tools and resources available to them and utilize them for creating financial wealth while others choose to sit on the sidelines hoping, wishing, and as a result never discovering the very processes that would enable them to amass the financial wealth that they "claim" they want? Simply a different set of beliefs.
I know how prevalent limiting beliefs concerning the attainment of financial wealth are, because I encounter these types nearly everyday but choose not to engage with or expose myself to them for long. They choose to "judge" and claim they "know" from personal experience how anything presented to them which would enable them to acquire substantial wealth in under 40 years must be a get rich quick scam that is only designed for extracting money from people.
The important thing that these types miss and fail or refuse to understand is that it is those very beliefs held which created their experience to begin with and due to their "knowing"…the beliefs that they hold which WILL serve as the underlying cause for keeping them "working hard" for 40 or more years and keep them from ever achieving the financial wealth that they claim they desire to experience.
That's not to imply that their don't exist those who do attempt to extract rather than contribute to the financial well being of others, but they are blatantly obvious.
There exists far more credible and powerful wealth creation mechanisms that are legitimate which can and do create enormous wealth for individuals than those which don't.
A lack of money and financial resources in today's world is simply due to a lack of awareness as to what's available to you or an unwillingness to recognize and apply what is readily available and easily accessible to any willing to discover and utilize them. A "perception" and belief held that "money is hard and difficult to acquire" is most certainly not a "truth" in today's world but rather only an individual "perception" of truth which is precisely what makes it "real" for so many.
One doesn't have to look far to see that the Universe is extravagantly abundant. This abundance can be easily observed in nature. It's only necessary to open your eyes to it and become aware of it.
Choosing to focus on and spend time with those that spread and preach the doom and gloom of everything that's wrong in the world can and most certainly will serve to support and create additional "beliefs" concerning how limited we are, but it certainly doesn't make it "true." Choosing to bombard yourself with what's wrong with the world whether it be the state of the economy, crime rates, etc. etc. only serves to form "perceptions" of truth at a subconscious level which will unfold in each area of your life just as you "believe" they will.
The predominant media is a primary example. Choosing to expose yourself to this type of "programming" is most certainly a choice to accept and fall into the mindset of the majority and as a result form the underlying "beliefs" that will reflect your experience in life without fail.
The bottom line is…
A lack of financial freedom and plenty in a world that is extravagantly abundant is only due to individual self limiting and self sabotaging beliefs held with regard to your ability to acquire money and financial freedom which initiates consistent thought processes focused on a lack of money which creates that reality.
This isn't some new age understanding!! It has been taught for thousands of years by some of the most enlightened masters in the history of the world, although modern day science has only begun to validate these teachings in the last hundred years or so.
It seems to me that verifiable and substantiated physical validation of these teachings wouldn't require a hundred years to grasp and apply to begin creating what it is that so many desire. So why does it? Beliefs…pre-established and unfounded beliefs, plain and simple combined with a lack of awareness concerning them or an unwillingness to recognize and change them.
The consistent thoughts that you choose to think are the very thoughts which can and will create lack and limitation financially and otherwise.
Consistent thoughts and feelings based on lack and limitation with regard to financial freedom can no more create financial freedom than can a dandelion seed be expected to produce a rose. Your thoughts are the seed which determine your life experience whether it be in the area of financial freedom or any other area of life. These thought processes are determined by beliefs held by you.
So many today hold beliefs that when their life experience changes they'll be happy. "They'll believe it when they see it." You'll never experience happiness and life changes until and unless your often time "unconscious" thought processes and beliefs which are responsible for creating the current external conditions change. This is nothing more than wishful thinking and why those who experience financial plenty are such a small minority.
The only difference between those who are wealthy financially or otherwise and those who are not is merely a difference in the way they think…period.
To initiate change it's only necessary to change yourself. Not by working harder and doing more. That's precisely how the majority have been conditioned and as a result attempt to do it which is precisely why stress, anxiety, fatigue and emotional distress are at epidemic levels.
You can continue to follow the advice and footsteps of the masses if you choose…to continue to buy into the falsely established traditional beliefs of the majority, but based on my own personal experiences and reviewing the many statistics available regarding the vast majority of individuals who struggle from paycheck to paycheck, as well as those who have "worked hard" their entire lives only to find themselves scraping and struggling to survive in their golden years, I'd have to conclude that there is a lack of understanding that the majority isn't receiving or if they are, they're not paying attention to it.
Their exist countless numbers of extremely powerful wealth creation systems today that are so ingeniously constructed, thorough and almost completely automated enabling you to leverage your efforts and as a result enable and empower you to produce more than enough money and financial freedom allowing you to do what you want, when you want with who you want.
It's not these systems that will enable you to experience wealth and financial freedom in your life, it is your beliefs regarding them which is the determining factor.
Experiencing Real Wealth in life is an inner thing. You can't, don't and never will experience happiness and fulfillment by acquiring financial wealth, you acquire financial wealth by first being happy and fulfilled. In fact once you begin to understand and apply this "truth" you'll begin to recognize and understand just how powerful and unfailing The Law Of Attraction is.
Attempting to create and achieve happiness through monetary gain is futile. Financial freedom isn't about nor can be acquired and retained long term through doingness…it's about beingness. Beingness is an inside job, doingness is an outside job and the result…the effects experienced as a result of your inner beingness.
We exist in a cause and effect world. For every effect there exists an underlying cause. Many unfortunately "perceive" the cause to be doingness. This is a flawed and very limiting perception to hold. Although physical doingness does produce results, they are and always will be very limited and temporary. The "true" cause goes much deeper than physical doingness. Doingness is merely an effect of your beingness. Yes it requires some doingness to achieve financial freedom, but when the internal beingness is aligned and harmonized correctly the doingness becomes pleasurable and fulfilling. When you become wealthy inside you'll know and understand what it means to experience and retain "Real Wealth" outside which extends far beyond financial wealth.
Contributing to others is the fastest and simplest way to achieve financial freedom. It's all about giving. That's the flow that so many today overlook which is precisely why so many experience lack in the financial arena. Giving is the key to receiving. Look at nature. To receive a harvest you must first plant the seed. To receive the reward you must give the ground something to return to you a harvest.
Contrary to many widespread teachings…manipulative and false teachings I might add, this giving must be done out of joy, NOT guilt or obligation. You give what you can cheerfully and joyfully and you will receive back. Many give money out of guilt and feelings of obligation that makes them "feel" anxious and uncomfortable and wonder why they don't receive. It's ALL about how you feel about the giving. It's your intention.
To amass financial wealth is as simple as developing an understanding of the flow which creates it. Nature is a perfect example of this flow. The timeless wisdom that Nature abhors a vacuum is profound wisdom to gain. No more can nature produce without you planting the seed can the flow provide you with financial freedom without the giving that's required.
This giving begins at the level of consciousness…what you think and believe. All things following are the harvest reaped as a result of these initial seeds.
All the physical techniques, tricks and strategies that are so prevalent today and which so many attempt to teach today are a very shallow and limiting way of achieving financial freedom without the underlying beliefs that harmonize with and determine their effectiveness. Real Wealth begins inside. When you begin to look at and understand the "true" cause…really get to the core, the source from where ALL physical results come from whether in the area of financial freedom or otherwise and harmonize your thoughts, words, and actions with them, the ability to achieve and experience financial freedom and/or fulfillment in EVERY aspect of life is merely a by product. It just happens…and in ways that can be "perceived" as effortless and magical.
If you "truly" have a desire to amass financial wealth and achieve financial freedom, simply help enough others to so the same. It's NOT about giving them money but introducing them to the ways and means that will fulfill their desires. When you fill other peoples desires, your desires will be fulfilled.
Zig Ziglar, one of America's most recognized authorities on achieving success and fulfillment in life nailed it when he said…
"If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want."
Look at that statement closely. Dreaming it begins where? At the level of consciousness…at the thought level. What's the second half of that statement? The planting of seeds providing enough others with what they want which provides you with what YOU want.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the history of the world validates that understanding…
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
If you "truly" want to create financial freedom in your life it is vitally important that you make the "conscious choice " to discover and recognize the underlying "beliefs and thought patterns that are keeping it from becoming a physical reality in your life.
I nor anyone else can do that for you. That's a very personal and individual choice. It's my passion and purpose to provide what I have come to understand through the years as the result of my own experiences and studies, but ultimately the decision to do or not do something with and about it lies with you.
It all begins with what you "believe" and "perceive" to be true. Harmonize those with your desires and you'll experience those desired outcomes without fail.
Many today believe that when they attain a predefined monetary goal that everything in their life is going to be OK...that then they'll be happy. Sorry to inform you but money in and of itself doesn't make your life OK...nor will it make you happy.
In fact when the perception is held that money serves as the barometer which determines happiness, you'll find that happiness is never experienced. You'll find yourself always wanting more thinking that the next thousand or ten thousand or million will do the trick only to find that there's still an emptiness...some existing void that you can't seem to put your finger on.
I have personally been there, done that and bought the t-shirt as well as consult with countless others who have, once reaching a level of financial wealth, discovered the same thing.
That's not to say that money isn't an important "factor" in experiencing happiness, fulfillment and "Real Wealth" in our day to day lives because it is EXTREMELY important. If we're unable to pay our bills and support our families, we carry a great deal of stress on our shoulders. A lack of money can and does create fear, anxiety and can quite literally lead to illness. But it isn't the lack of money which does this although many will disagree. It's our perceptions and beliefs with regard to it which serve as the underlying cause and is precisely what will enable these "undesirable" experiences to continue.
Yes, money is important in our world, but it's a seriously flawed and widely misunderstood "perception" to conclude that money is the key to happiness rather than the "real truth" which is that money is important.
Don't misunderstand…
A desire to attain financial freedom is a very commendable goal to have. Financial wealth is an important "aspect" of experiencing "Real Wealth" and fulfillment in life, but it is just that…an aspect of of "Real Wealth." To attain financial wealth means to be able to give contribute more, which in turn enables us to gain more wealth.
In consulting and working with various people who possess a strong desire to amass financial wealth, although initially they might truly believe that it's monetary wealth and financial freedom that they're after, the reality is that it's not really anything financial at all but rather the ability to be enabled to do what they want when they want.
It's not the money in and of itself, but what the money will enable them to do and how they will feel when they are experiencing the many pleasures that money can and does provide.
It is about the freedom…about experiencing a quality of life, but it really has nothing to do with money. It has to do with time freedom, the ability to engage in fulfilling work that you receive satisfaction and fulfillment from rather than doing what you feel you must do to survive…it's REALLY about providing for those that we love most the kind of lifestyle that we have a desire to provide.
Now that we've established that fact, let's look at another widely held misconception regarding the attainment of money...
Many "believe" that the attainment of financial wealth is difficult. Perhaps you believe the same thing.
Contrary to widespread "belief", in today's world attaining financial wealth isn't difficult at all. In fact it can be quite simple once you become willing to expand your focus and accept the fact that whatever it is that you've been doing which has created the current circumstances is going to continue to produce the same results you've been receiving unless you become willing to make some changes and do something different.
The fact is that if change is desired, it's going to be necessary to realize that it's you that's going to have to change first. Contrary to what MOST would have you "believe" that this change must consist of, the change that will provide the greatest and most sustainable benefit has nothing to do with working longer and harder at something that you find displeasing but rather begins with a willingness to expand your awareness as to the "infinite" possibilities which are available to you. It's simply a matter of expanding your beliefs and shifting your paradigms.
As an example…
The incredible leveraging technologies available and easily accessible in today's world since the creation of the internet, make it quite easy to amass substantial amounts of money in far less time and with far less "physical effort" than has ever been possible in the history of the world.
The wealth creating power of the internet has increased one's ability to amass financial wealth exponentially over traditional brick and mortar businesses
Granted there are many that hold "beliefs" that they don't have the education, the technical know how or the ability to utilize this wealth creation machine to amass financial wealth for themselves, but these "beliefs" are totally unfounded and only held due to an unwillingness to become aware of the incredibly simplified systems and resources which have become available in the past decade that even a small child could effectively initiate and utilize.
The numerous turnkey wealth creating systems that exist today eliminate the need for extensive knowledge of technology, marketing savvy and business degrees. The internet has opened up doors of opportunity for amassing financial wealth
Achieving financial freedom doesn't require expensive university degrees, some new idea, invention or breakthrough discovery. It only requires a bit of understanding as to what's available to you and making a "conscious choice" to utilize and apply the simple forms of technologies that are readily available to anyone willing to become aware of them. That's the first step. Once this is accomplished it's only necessary to become "conscious of", learn to recognize, change and look beyond the self sabotaging belief filters that keep so many trapped in "seemingly" inescapable financial bondage. A lack of financial freedom or lack in any area of life for that matter is merely a perception held in mind that creates that "reality" in your life.
These self limiting perceptions are numerous
In my encounters with countless people, the very systems that are used by many to create substantial amounts of financial wealth are often "perceived" to be "too good to be true" or as many are so quick to label them…scams.
Why is it that some recognize and effectively utilize the incredible technological tools and resources available to them and utilize them for creating financial wealth while others choose to sit on the sidelines hoping, wishing, and as a result never discovering the very processes that would enable them to amass the financial wealth that they "claim" they want? Simply a different set of beliefs.
I know how prevalent limiting beliefs concerning the attainment of financial wealth are, because I encounter these types nearly everyday but choose not to engage with or expose myself to them for long. They choose to "judge" and claim they "know" from personal experience how anything presented to them which would enable them to acquire substantial wealth in under 40 years must be a get rich quick scam that is only designed for extracting money from people.
The important thing that these types miss and fail or refuse to understand is that it is those very beliefs held which created their experience to begin with and due to their "knowing"…the beliefs that they hold which WILL serve as the underlying cause for keeping them "working hard" for 40 or more years and keep them from ever achieving the financial wealth that they claim they desire to experience.
That's not to imply that their don't exist those who do attempt to extract rather than contribute to the financial well being of others, but they are blatantly obvious.
There exists far more credible and powerful wealth creation mechanisms that are legitimate which can and do create enormous wealth for individuals than those which don't.
A lack of money and financial resources in today's world is simply due to a lack of awareness as to what's available to you or an unwillingness to recognize and apply what is readily available and easily accessible to any willing to discover and utilize them. A "perception" and belief held that "money is hard and difficult to acquire" is most certainly not a "truth" in today's world but rather only an individual "perception" of truth which is precisely what makes it "real" for so many.
One doesn't have to look far to see that the Universe is extravagantly abundant. This abundance can be easily observed in nature. It's only necessary to open your eyes to it and become aware of it.
Choosing to focus on and spend time with those that spread and preach the doom and gloom of everything that's wrong in the world can and most certainly will serve to support and create additional "beliefs" concerning how limited we are, but it certainly doesn't make it "true." Choosing to bombard yourself with what's wrong with the world whether it be the state of the economy, crime rates, etc. etc. only serves to form "perceptions" of truth at a subconscious level which will unfold in each area of your life just as you "believe" they will.
The predominant media is a primary example. Choosing to expose yourself to this type of "programming" is most certainly a choice to accept and fall into the mindset of the majority and as a result form the underlying "beliefs" that will reflect your experience in life without fail.
The bottom line is…
A lack of financial freedom and plenty in a world that is extravagantly abundant is only due to individual self limiting and self sabotaging beliefs held with regard to your ability to acquire money and financial freedom which initiates consistent thought processes focused on a lack of money which creates that reality.
This isn't some new age understanding!! It has been taught for thousands of years by some of the most enlightened masters in the history of the world, although modern day science has only begun to validate these teachings in the last hundred years or so.
It seems to me that verifiable and substantiated physical validation of these teachings wouldn't require a hundred years to grasp and apply to begin creating what it is that so many desire. So why does it? Beliefs…pre-established and unfounded beliefs, plain and simple combined with a lack of awareness concerning them or an unwillingness to recognize and change them.
The consistent thoughts that you choose to think are the very thoughts which can and will create lack and limitation financially and otherwise.
Consistent thoughts and feelings based on lack and limitation with regard to financial freedom can no more create financial freedom than can a dandelion seed be expected to produce a rose. Your thoughts are the seed which determine your life experience whether it be in the area of financial freedom or any other area of life. These thought processes are determined by beliefs held by you.
So many today hold beliefs that when their life experience changes they'll be happy. "They'll believe it when they see it." You'll never experience happiness and life changes until and unless your often time "unconscious" thought processes and beliefs which are responsible for creating the current external conditions change. This is nothing more than wishful thinking and why those who experience financial plenty are such a small minority.
The only difference between those who are wealthy financially or otherwise and those who are not is merely a difference in the way they think…period.
To initiate change it's only necessary to change yourself. Not by working harder and doing more. That's precisely how the majority have been conditioned and as a result attempt to do it which is precisely why stress, anxiety, fatigue and emotional distress are at epidemic levels.
You can continue to follow the advice and footsteps of the masses if you choose…to continue to buy into the falsely established traditional beliefs of the majority, but based on my own personal experiences and reviewing the many statistics available regarding the vast majority of individuals who struggle from paycheck to paycheck, as well as those who have "worked hard" their entire lives only to find themselves scraping and struggling to survive in their golden years, I'd have to conclude that there is a lack of understanding that the majority isn't receiving or if they are, they're not paying attention to it.
Their exist countless numbers of extremely powerful wealth creation systems today that are so ingeniously constructed, thorough and almost completely automated enabling you to leverage your efforts and as a result enable and empower you to produce more than enough money and financial freedom allowing you to do what you want, when you want with who you want.
It's not these systems that will enable you to experience wealth and financial freedom in your life, it is your beliefs regarding them which is the determining factor.
Experiencing Real Wealth in life is an inner thing. You can't, don't and never will experience happiness and fulfillment by acquiring financial wealth, you acquire financial wealth by first being happy and fulfilled. In fact once you begin to understand and apply this "truth" you'll begin to recognize and understand just how powerful and unfailing The Law Of Attraction is.
Attempting to create and achieve happiness through monetary gain is futile. Financial freedom isn't about nor can be acquired and retained long term through doingness…it's about beingness. Beingness is an inside job, doingness is an outside job and the result…the effects experienced as a result of your inner beingness.
We exist in a cause and effect world. For every effect there exists an underlying cause. Many unfortunately "perceive" the cause to be doingness. This is a flawed and very limiting perception to hold. Although physical doingness does produce results, they are and always will be very limited and temporary. The "true" cause goes much deeper than physical doingness. Doingness is merely an effect of your beingness. Yes it requires some doingness to achieve financial freedom, but when the internal beingness is aligned and harmonized correctly the doingness becomes pleasurable and fulfilling. When you become wealthy inside you'll know and understand what it means to experience and retain "Real Wealth" outside which extends far beyond financial wealth.
Contributing to others is the fastest and simplest way to achieve financial freedom. It's all about giving. That's the flow that so many today overlook which is precisely why so many experience lack in the financial arena. Giving is the key to receiving. Look at nature. To receive a harvest you must first plant the seed. To receive the reward you must give the ground something to return to you a harvest.
Contrary to many widespread teachings…manipulative and false teachings I might add, this giving must be done out of joy, NOT guilt or obligation. You give what you can cheerfully and joyfully and you will receive back. Many give money out of guilt and feelings of obligation that makes them "feel" anxious and uncomfortable and wonder why they don't receive. It's ALL about how you feel about the giving. It's your intention.
To amass financial wealth is as simple as developing an understanding of the flow which creates it. Nature is a perfect example of this flow. The timeless wisdom that Nature abhors a vacuum is profound wisdom to gain. No more can nature produce without you planting the seed can the flow provide you with financial freedom without the giving that's required.
This giving begins at the level of consciousness…what you think and believe. All things following are the harvest reaped as a result of these initial seeds.
All the physical techniques, tricks and strategies that are so prevalent today and which so many attempt to teach today are a very shallow and limiting way of achieving financial freedom without the underlying beliefs that harmonize with and determine their effectiveness. Real Wealth begins inside. When you begin to look at and understand the "true" cause…really get to the core, the source from where ALL physical results come from whether in the area of financial freedom or otherwise and harmonize your thoughts, words, and actions with them, the ability to achieve and experience financial freedom and/or fulfillment in EVERY aspect of life is merely a by product. It just happens…and in ways that can be "perceived" as effortless and magical.
If you "truly" have a desire to amass financial wealth and achieve financial freedom, simply help enough others to so the same. It's NOT about giving them money but introducing them to the ways and means that will fulfill their desires. When you fill other peoples desires, your desires will be fulfilled.
Zig Ziglar, one of America's most recognized authorities on achieving success and fulfillment in life nailed it when he said…
"If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want."
Look at that statement closely. Dreaming it begins where? At the level of consciousness…at the thought level. What's the second half of that statement? The planting of seeds providing enough others with what they want which provides you with what YOU want.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the history of the world validates that understanding…
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
If you "truly" want to create financial freedom in your life it is vitally important that you make the "conscious choice " to discover and recognize the underlying "beliefs and thought patterns that are keeping it from becoming a physical reality in your life.
I nor anyone else can do that for you. That's a very personal and individual choice. It's my passion and purpose to provide what I have come to understand through the years as the result of my own experiences and studies, but ultimately the decision to do or not do something with and about it lies with you.
It all begins with what you "believe" and "perceive" to be true. Harmonize those with your desires and you'll experience those desired outcomes without fail.
financial freedom,
financial wealth,
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Your "Perception" And Beliefs Concerning Wealth Is What Determines How Wealthy You Will Or Will Not Become
Wealth can mean a lot of things to various people. For one it could mean a set amount of financial resources, for another health and vitality, for still another wholesome and fulfilling relationships.
These perceptions of wealth as unique and individual as they are, are formed based on what we have come to establish as truth in the various areas of our lives. More specifically, they are merely beliefs and perceptions that we hold individually.
To one who perceives wealth to mean an amount of money, and who may have amassed a multi-million dollar portfolio, to a multi-billionaire, millionaire status wouldn't be considered significant wealth at all.
The point being is that wealth is whatever you choose and "perceive" it to be. Granted, the majority perceive it to be a dollar figure, but in the bigger scheme of things money nor any amount of toys and physical pleasures is what wealth really is.
Real Wealth is experienced as a result of being wealthy on the inside, regardless of what the physical circumstances "appear" to be. Real Wealth isn't something that's acquired or earned or gained in the physical's not something that you get..."Real Wealth" is something that you are.
When you develop inner wealth, the wealth you have gained can never be lost or taken away. Yes, you could lose your money and things temporarily, but that wouldn't determine nor lower your wealth quotient. Although you may have temporarily lost the physical aspects of monetary the money, toys, etc., when you are wealthy on the inside where it counts, regaining the physical aspects of wealth becomes second nature.
Multi-billionaire Donald Trump is a prime example. At one point he lost all he had in a physical sense and was up to his eyeballs in debt. What enabled him to climb back up and far exceed his previous experience was that his inner wealth couldn't be rattled or shaken.
When you develop an inner wealth, the tangible things that most perceive to be wealth happen, at times and in ways that can seem magical and effortless. When wealth is developed within, the external wealth that most perceive to determine their level of wealth happens as a by product and is limited only by the amount of wealth that you choose to develop within.
To acquire physical wealth is merely a choice which is limited only by your willingness to discover and develop the inner wealth that makes it all possible.
In a nutshell...
Becoming wealthy within will enable you to experience wealth without. As without.
Real Wealth is made possible by establishing a inner harmony in every aspect of your life physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually all of which are made possible through your individual choices to develop or not develop the internal wealth that makes anything and everything possible in the physical world which most perceive to be reality.
That's something to ponder on and allow to soak in for a while.
For more information regarding "Real Wealth Creation" check out the "Real Wealth Creation" section at the portal.
I also publish a monthly Personal Empowerment/Wealth Creation E-Zine called Enlightened Journey that provides some in depth guidance and insight for creating "Real Wealth" for yourself whether it be physically, financially, relationally emotionally, and/or spiritually. Come join us. I think you'll be glad that you did.
These perceptions of wealth as unique and individual as they are, are formed based on what we have come to establish as truth in the various areas of our lives. More specifically, they are merely beliefs and perceptions that we hold individually.
To one who perceives wealth to mean an amount of money, and who may have amassed a multi-million dollar portfolio, to a multi-billionaire, millionaire status wouldn't be considered significant wealth at all.
The point being is that wealth is whatever you choose and "perceive" it to be. Granted, the majority perceive it to be a dollar figure, but in the bigger scheme of things money nor any amount of toys and physical pleasures is what wealth really is.
Real Wealth is experienced as a result of being wealthy on the inside, regardless of what the physical circumstances "appear" to be. Real Wealth isn't something that's acquired or earned or gained in the physical's not something that you get..."Real Wealth" is something that you are.
When you develop inner wealth, the wealth you have gained can never be lost or taken away. Yes, you could lose your money and things temporarily, but that wouldn't determine nor lower your wealth quotient. Although you may have temporarily lost the physical aspects of monetary the money, toys, etc., when you are wealthy on the inside where it counts, regaining the physical aspects of wealth becomes second nature.
Multi-billionaire Donald Trump is a prime example. At one point he lost all he had in a physical sense and was up to his eyeballs in debt. What enabled him to climb back up and far exceed his previous experience was that his inner wealth couldn't be rattled or shaken.
When you develop an inner wealth, the tangible things that most perceive to be wealth happen, at times and in ways that can seem magical and effortless. When wealth is developed within, the external wealth that most perceive to determine their level of wealth happens as a by product and is limited only by the amount of wealth that you choose to develop within.
To acquire physical wealth is merely a choice which is limited only by your willingness to discover and develop the inner wealth that makes it all possible.
In a nutshell...
Becoming wealthy within will enable you to experience wealth without. As without.
Real Wealth is made possible by establishing a inner harmony in every aspect of your life physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually all of which are made possible through your individual choices to develop or not develop the internal wealth that makes anything and everything possible in the physical world which most perceive to be reality.
That's something to ponder on and allow to soak in for a while.
For more information regarding "Real Wealth Creation" check out the "Real Wealth Creation" section at the portal.
I also publish a monthly Personal Empowerment/Wealth Creation E-Zine called Enlightened Journey that provides some in depth guidance and insight for creating "Real Wealth" for yourself whether it be physically, financially, relationally emotionally, and/or spiritually. Come join us. I think you'll be glad that you did.
chuck danes,
wealth creation,
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