Thursday, June 18, 2009

Simplifying The Law of Attraction, Energy and Frequency

The Law of Attraction isn't as complicated, complex or mystical as you might think when you "Really Get" and understand energy and frequency. now you will.

Are you ready to take all the mystery and confusion out of energy, frequency and the Law of Attraction?

Since The Law of Attraction has become so well known around the world in recent years, it’s not uncommon that the initial excitement and anticipation experienced by those when first discovering it, more often than not fades into disappointment and in some cases disbelief regarding it’s “realness” and power.

It’s a fact that a lack of deeper understanding regarding what makes the Law of Attraction work as it does causes many to fall back into their same old habitual patterns never fully benefiting from or understanding just how real, true and powerful the Law of Attraction is and the impact it makes on their day to day lives.

That’s the reason for this article…to clarify and clear up any misconceptions and ultimately to assist you in both understanding and using the Law of Attraction “consciously” and consistently enabling you to experience more of the desired outcomes in your life.

The Law of Attraction Isn’t Anything New

First of all I think it’s important to understand that the Law of Attraction isn’t anything new. It’s existed since time itself began and was only recently given a “new label.”

The sages, mystics and masters since antiquity have taught countless numbers about the Law of Attraction's realness and power but referred to it as something else. One of those names that a number of these teachers referred to was reaping and sowing.

But the Law of Attraction, as many names as it's been labeled with, goes well beyond spiritual teachings. Today we have tangible and physical proof regarding it's existence and the essential role it plays in your life.

In fact even science discovered, has known about and even documented what’s now being referred to as the Law of Attraction nearly a hundred years ago!! Most mainstream scientists, just as the masters of the past, just don’t refer to it as The Law of Attraction.

For the sake of simplification, let’s focus specifically on the science behind the Law of Attraction as well as what scientists have discovered regarding energy and frequency which is the essence that allows the Law of Attraction to work or exist at all.

Although science discovered many years ago that everything in existence is comprised of energy and all energy exists as and emits a frequency, there are far too few who understand at the depth necessary, that they can use what science has validated in a way that will dramatically enhance the quality of their life.

What even fewer understand is the fact that they ARE using the Law of Attraction already, every second of everyday whether they’re aware of it or “believe” in it’s existence or not.

In fact the Law of Attraction determines how each and every event, condition and circumstance in your life comes to be in each and it does so in each and every aspect of your life.

So, because of it’s importance and the tremendous impact it has on your individual outcomes, let’s simplify this energy and frequency thing so you can begin “consciously and consistently” using it to your advantage and begin experiencing more of the results that you desire in the physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual areas of your life.

I promise…it’s REALLY simple...

read the entire Law of Attraction article here at the Personal Empowerment Portal.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Reclaiming Your "True Power"

The more people I connect and communicate with from around the world, the more I discover that far too few really understand or recognize the limitless power that they have been provided individually to create a quality of life that is limited only by their individual choices.

Although most do understand that it is their choices regarding the physical actions they take that determine their "physical results", for the most part they overlook what determines how and why all these physical actions can be taken which determine the kind and quality of physical events, conditions and circumstances that are experienced in in the various areas of life.

I guess you could say that they overlook and are predominantly unaware of where their "true power" comes from.

They look at and see life from a strictly "physical" perspective. They assume that power comes from physical activity and choose not to look beyond the things that we can see and touch and taste and feel and smell.

Yet that's not "Real Power" at all. It's a very limited form of physical finite power.

Moreover they see power strictly as a physical thing. They perceive that it's their physical power that they are limited by. I guess you could call it their physical forms of doingness that they believe determines their results which in turn determines their havingness.

That's only a very small part of a much larger picture.

Although it's true that the physical actions we take do produce results...physical results, it's a very limited way to produce the really big results that so many desire yet so few ever achieve.

That's why so few ever achieve them.

They overlook, remain unaware and as a result never fully utilize their "True Power."

Everyone uses this true power in a sense but at the same time the vast majority utilize it "unconsciously" never realizing, fully discovering and due to their "unconsciousness" never discover how to utilize this form of real power that we all possess and all have equal access to.

They're unaware for the most part of where their "true power" lies. Choosing...or in this case NOT choosing to become aware of this power dramatically limits their results in life. In EVERY area of life.

Why? Because their fixated and depending on such a limited form of power.

The body is limited in what it can do. Physical choices and actions is a level of cause for sure, but it's not the ultimate cause.

There's something deeper going on below the radar that our 5 physical senses can't detect.

Where your "true power" lies isn't here in physical form. You can tap into this power for sure, but it's not a physical activity form of doing. It's a doing that is done with the mind. It's not strenuous or difficult at all. In fact it's what many would refer to as effortless.

That's where whoever coined the phrase "Effortless Creation" was coming from. When you discover and learn to tap into your "True Power" things do come much becomes much more fulfilling...things seem to come to you rather than you chasing them.

It's an incredibly fulfilling way to experience life. It sure beats the "grin and bear it" mentality.

But to access it and fully utilize requires developing a bit deeper understanding. I like to call it "awakening."

It's not a form of understanding that you get from traditional text books.

It's a deeper form of understanding that transcends the limitations of the physical altogether. But at the same time it's this form of understanding that everyone has access to and the ability to utilize whenever they make the choice to do so.

It's a smart choice I can assure you since it is where your true power lies. A form of power that far exceeds what most have the ability to conceive.

I posted an article recently at the personal empowerment portal called Be Still and Reclaim Your Power that will provide some more depth as well as provide specific direction enabling you to tap into and exercise this power for yourself should you choose to.

I can say from personal experience and trying it both ways that it's a MUCH more simple and far easier way to create desired outcomes in life than limiting yourself to what physical action alone can produce.

In fact, should you decide to become aware of it and utilize it for yourself, I can without hesitation tell you that your results will be far greater than you may have previously been able to even conceive.

Trust me when I tell you...that's the only thing keeping you from reaching whatever heights you choose for yourself. It all begins at the point of conceptualization.

I hope you'll check it out. It could prove to be the "missing link" that you're looking for and I can tell you from personal experience it will enhance your results in every aspect of your life exponentially.

In fact I know it will. It's simply a matter of you making the choice to know it for yourself and do what's necessary which will all be revealed to you by simply taking that first step.

It's way beyond powerful, believe me.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Science of Success and Real Wealth Creation

In my many years of working with various individuals around the world and the many paths I've walked during my own journey through life, I've had the opportunity to explore a number of paths.

That's what I've discovered and believe life is about and why each of us have been placed here. To learn, to grow, o fully experience life and as a result of all this learning, growing, and experiencing, ultimately to share what we've learned with others so they might benefit from our own "growth lessons" along the way.

To assist others in maybe shortening their own paths enabling them to experience greater results...more of the "desired" results with far fewer steps and growth lessons along the way.

That's what I've chosen to dedicate my life to. Assist others in creating a greater quality of life for themselves through sharing and teaching what I've discovered through all my "path walking."

As I often share through my personal empowerment portal,, there are no wrong paths, only paths that we ourselves choose. Depending on those paths that we choose, and the experiences we have as a result of those choices we're provided an opportunity to learn and grow from our experiences or not.

That too is nothing more than a choice. It's up to us...ALWAYS.

One of the many paths that I've personally chosen and share freely with the world is the The Science of Success...or to put it more accurately the science behind success.

Many aren't aware that there is such a path. They see science as something complicated and non-applicable to our individual lives or the events, conditions and circumstances that we each experience as a result.

I suppose that's true to an extent depending on the kind of science it is.

There's one kind of science, namely Quantum Physics and even recent discoveries in biological science that makes it clearly evident that this widely held "perception" is merely that...a "perception" and a very limited one at that.

Whether you currently understand or believe it or not there is an exact science behind success and quantum physics is one that illuminates the path to achieving just that. A choice to explore this science opens up doors of understanding that are "profound" to say the least.

It's simply a matter of choice. Expanding awareness with regard to the underlying aspects of life and how all this physical stuff becomes "real" is a choice that can prove to enhance your individual life in far greater ways than you might currently understand or even "conceive" as possible.

When you enhance your awareness with regard to what modern day science has discovered to be "true" concerning your individual ability to be, do and have a kind and quality of life based only on our own individual choices, you begin to understand the power you hold individually to create whatever changes in your life that you have a sincere desire to change.

There are no limitations as to what can be achieved through this choice, whether it be in the physical, financial, relational, emotional and/or spiritual aspects of your life...absolutely NONE.

You also begin to discover that these choices as well as the physical actions that we take as a result of them provide very limited outcomes at best and often times produce the exact opposite result of what we are "truly" attempting and desiring to accomplish.

The Science of Success goes much deeper than simple cause and effect that most perceive to be only physical in nature. Although cause and effect is real and it does produce results, it's operation is also existent at a deeper an unseen level that most are unaware of and "unconscious" to. That's why the vast majority experience such limited outcomes. They choose to overlook the very things that would enable them to both create and experience FAR GREATER outcomes than they "perceive" to be possible for themselves.

But they're not. It's only our perceptions and believes regarding their creation...or the lack of that leads to additional choices to not explore and understand the underlying process that enables us to understand and as a result create and experience them for ourselves.

When you choose to explore and discover the science behind what's going on at the "unseen" or "subatomic level" that is making all these "physical outcomes" real, yuo alo develop both the understanding as well as the ability to change them consistently and intentionally.

It's proven to be a life transforming choice for me and it can be for you as well, should you choose it as a path that you walk down.

It's not the only path for sure, yet it's one that provides "tangible" proof enabling you to become aware and understand how and why you do have the ability to be, do and have whatever you choose in life.

If that's a path you choose for yourself and you'd like to explore and understand the potential behind it more deeply, check out a section I've created at called The Science of Success.

It could prove to be the missing link for you as it has for so many others and bridge the gap between less than desired results and the physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual harmony that so many are looking for yet few "perceive" or believe" is available to and for them.

I can tell you from personal experience that it is. It's simply an individual choice as to whether you choose it for yourself or not. It could prove to be a choice that makes ALL the difference.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Experiencing "Real Wealth" Isn't All About Experiencing Only What We "Perceive" As Being Good

In today's world and all the goings on in the financial markets, the housing crash and all the "perceived" chaos and turmoil that follows it, there's an aspect of life that I think all too often get's overlooked and for a number of reasons. This aspect isn't acknowledged enough by the vast majority in the personal empowerment community.

As overlooked as it is and as hush hush as many of the personal empowerment writers and teachers like...or at least choose to keep it, I personally think it's important to acknowledge it.

It's called polarity.

I don't mean to acknowledge it in a "focus on it" kind of way but rather acknowledge it's realness to enhance peoples awareness with regard to it's existence.

As I always write and teach, there's no question that harmony in life is not only possible but very doable. Yet at the same time harmony requires looking at harmony in every aspect not just the kind of harmony that's predominantly taught and wrote about with regard to getting everything we want.

We can get all these things for sure, yet at the same time as we're working toward all this "getting", it's important to recognize and understand as we're walking down this exciting path, that things just might and DO happen, that may throw us a curve ball from time to time.

Yes harmony does include harmonizing the physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual aspects of life to experience the fulfillment that everybody desires, but there's another aspect of harmony that I believe many miss. It has to do with polarity.

For harmony to exist...for us to know what harmony is and be able to fully experience it, there must also exist disharmony. Without the existence of the polar opposite we couldn't and wouldn't know or be able to experience what either was.

Think about it...that's what life is designed fully experience all that is available to and for us.

Without the possibility for "bad" to exist, we certainly couldn't know or fully experience what good was.

I personally think and through experience find, that always talking about and teaching only about all the warm and fuzzy stuff...only addressing how The Law of Attraction brings you whatever you want, without also talking about and addressing that it can also bring events, conditions and circumstances into the world that we DON'T want, when these "unwanted things" happen (and they will) it can prove to be very disillusioning to those who look at and only see it as a one sided thing.

I believe it's the very reason that so many who, when first discovering that there truly is such a law, they excitedly engage themselves in their best attempts to apply it without fully understanding what it is and how it works. Then when the 500 Mercedes SL doesn't show up in there driveway one morning after all their visualizing and dream board construction, make the unfortunate choice of believing that this stuff is a bunch of nonsense and doesn't work.

Rather than digging a bit deeper to see for themselves that it IS real and DOES work...or more importantly how and why it works as it does, they go back to the same habitual patterns and rejoin the masses of "unconscious creators" fully thinking and believing that life just happens as it will and it's simply a game of chance.

But the fact of the matter is, polarity is a "reality." Without polarity, the world couldn't and wouldn't exist.

Polarity is where the world's power comes from. Take a battery for example. For it to have any power to drive a battery operated mechanism, it must have a "positive pole" and a "negative pole." One without the other and there's no power.

You have to harmonize the 2 to create the power. Technology has enabled us to do that.

But it's the same in life. Without both the positive and the negative, the world couldn't and wouldn't be the world.

So, not only is polarity a reality, it's necessary.

Those who might be fairly new or not well versed in the various Universal Laws (what are also referred to as laws of nature) might not have this outlook. They might not see the importance of the possibility of not getting what they want. They want what they want and that's that.

What's more...they want it now.

That's all fine and good and yes I also know from personal experience that you can have what you want and get it very quickly...even immediately in some cases. But at the same time without being willing to develop a depth of understand and awareness as to how things work at a deep level as well as choosing to become and remain aware of how "real" polarity in our "physical world", things can, will and do happen that keep us from attracting, acquiring and experiencing all these things we want.

Awareness is the key behind it all. Both self awareness and an awareness of what's happening in the world around you.

Choosing to do that will get you much more of what you want and assist you greatly in bypassing some of the "unnecessary" and unwanted polarity's along the way.

I've addressed this in depth in my recent newsletter, Enlightened Journey.

If you'd like to explore this polarity thing in depth and see how it can and does affect us in the "physical world" as well as provides the understanding of what we can do individually to minimize the effects of the "unwanted" polarities in our lives you might find it beneficial.

It's titled 'What You Know and What You Don't Know Can Both Hurt You and/or Help You'.

If you'd like to stay up to date and receive what I believe to be the most in depth and informative FREE e-zine on the planet with regard to becoming a "conscious creator", you can also subscribe to Enlightened Journey here.

Monday, January 26, 2009

How Can Going After The Prize Lead to Remorse and Regret? It's Easier Than You Might Think.

If you could change one thing in your life; I mean anything right here, right now what would you change?

Although I can't know what your answer might be or what drew you here specifically, one thing I do know to be true about you, me and everyone else, is that we each have a desire to be, do and have more in life.

Now I'm not a gambling man and never have been. But I'd be willing to bet a thousand dollars (Heck, let's go for a hundred thousand) that you do too right? You have a desire to be, do and/or have more of something in life?

Of course you do. We ALL do. We ALL want something more and we're all going after that prize, whatever it might be regardless of what that means to us individually.

Well, fasten your seat belt because I'm going to reveal how you can not only get more, but more of what you "truly desire."

And yes, in most cases there is a huge difference between what so many "think they want" and what they "truly desire" more of.

First Let's Get Clear On and Define What Going After The Prize Means For You Based on Where You Are Now Versus What It Might Mean For Someone Else

Maybe what you're going for doesn't seem like a prize at all.

Because for some, going after the prize in the way I'm referring to it, means nothing more than basic survival and getting by.

That can be difficult to look at and see as a "prize."

But it is in a sense.

And it is because it doesn't matter where you are currently. It could be a lot worse right? I mean let's face it if you're broke, is there something worse than that?

Absolutely. You could be diagnosed with a serious life threatening illness. Which would you pick? The point is there are many things in life that are worse than being broke.

So even if you're in survival mode and just getting by and the more you want is a hundred bucks to get you through the week or the end of the month, that's still your prize.

Let's shift to the other end of the prize spectrum.

For others going after the prize might mean really big achievements of one form or another. For some fame, others fortune and still others something else. It doesn't matter what going after the prize means for you really, we're ALL going after some prize...regardless.

Ultimately though, our desired prize; the real prize that we "truly desire" as unique, individual and varying as they might "seem" on the surface, really boils down to one thing. Although the labels are many, that one thing is that we all want to experience at various levels, what's often labeled as Prosperity.

Does that hold true for you? If you thought you could have prosperity would you want it? Would you take it? Would you go for it if you knew you could have it?

Here's a REALLY IMPORTANT question...

What do you "think" prosperity is? What is your personal definition? Have you ever thought about it? I mean REALLY thought about it.

We all have our individual perspectives regarding what prosperity is and isn't for sure. But many haven't ever really thought about it so they don't REALLY know what their definition of prosperity is.

My personal perspective regarding prosperity has shifted; or at the least been greatly enhanced over the years. But not before walking some paths that revealed what prosperity WASN'T even though I "thought it was." I had an idea and knew what what I wanted more of, but after I got it I found that it wasn't prosperity.

I often look back on and think deeply about that initial perspective I held back then. In reflecting back, my initial definition of Prosperity was acquiring and amassing material wealth. And I was pretty good at it too. Really good actually. I reached what many today believe to be and would label as the pinnacle of success.

Bottom line, I made A LOT of money. Got a lot of toys, traveled, did this, did that, yadda yadda yadda.

But what I discovered after getting there, is that it didn't provide what I "thought and believed" that it would. I made a lot of money, got some stuff and even got to do a lot of traveling but I still didn't feel very prosperous and I certainly wasn't happy.

Not a long term from of happiness.

And yes, I set my sights on my perception of prosperity, focused on getting it, set out to claim it and actually received what I had defined and thought was "my prize." But once I got it, I found that something was still missing.

You could say, that although I made a lot of money and acquired a lot of stuff, prosperity and long term happiness still eluded me.

And what I discovered, although very simple, at the same time it's quite profound, potentially transformational and may very well assist you to get clear on what prosperity really is, define, get focused on and achieve real prosperity and long term happiness far quicker and in a far more simple way than I and many like me have.

How so?

Well...I've since discovered that my perception and the choices I made based on those perceptions to reach what I thought at the time would enable me to FINALLY experience happiness and prosperity, were very "blind and short sighted choices."

Although those choices did lead to making a lot of money and getting some "stuff", they didn't actually lead me to or provide what I thought they would.

I've also since found that A LOT of people do the very same thing. Many of the people who I personally connect and communicate with today, have experienced and have come to the very same conclusion. I'm far from alone in that discovery.

You could say we made "blind choices" based on a limited perspective as we engaged and we're going after and doing our best to make our individual prize real.

We "thought and honestly believed" that what we chose to do and actually did would provide it, but then we found that it didn't.

I suppose the simplest and most succinct way to describe it would be to say that our perspectives and our beliefs were misaligned or disharmonious with achieving what we "truly desired" without realizing it at the time.

So, I'm going to ask you...

Are you where you want to be in life? I mean are you really and truly at the place in life where you "truly desire" to be?

More specifically, are you experiencing prosperity and happiness in every area of your life?

And if you're not, are you open and willing to admit at this point that the choices you have made, are making and will make can be improved upon and enhanced so you can experience that?

That's what we're going to be discussing here.

Maybe what I have to share can assist you in getting really clear on, defining, going after and making your "prosperity choices" in a way that is more aligned and harmonious with what you "truly desire."

Rather than doing what I and many like me have done because we "thought and believed" we knew what prosperity was only to discover many years later that it wasn't "really and truly" what we thought it was at all, I'm going to introduce you to and point you toward what I've found to be the "short path."

You with me here? Does that make sense?

I'm definitely not here to tell you what prosperity should or shouldn't be for you. Nor am I here to define what happiness is, isn't or should be for you. What I am here to do is assist you in bypassing what I call the "long path" and point you to the shortest path I'm aware of for achieving Real Prosperity.

Then if it makes sense to you and it feels right you can begin walking that path if you choose to.

Are we on the same page?

I suppose the "main thing" I hope to do is to assist you in getting what you really and truly want in the quickest way possible. At the same time, maybe what I share will enable you to eliminate any potential future regrets that I've found so many unknowingly and unwittingly choose as they navigate toward the individual prize that they "think they want" only to find that it didn't lead to or provide what we ALL without exception "truly desire."

Now you might be thinking that what you want and what you truly desire are one and the same thing. That's what I used to think, but it's not. In MOST cases it's not.

How so?

Because, unbeknownst to many, there are 2 ways to look at happiness and prosperity. One way is to move toward it based on what you think you know and the other is a much bigger picture view of what happiness prosperity really is.

What it REALLY and truly is.

So what does the big picture view of this happiness and prosperity picture look like?

Quite simply, in this bigger picture view, happiness and prosperity (The Real Prize that we're ALL attempting to get) entails achieving physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual harmony.

That's REAL prosperity. That's also what enables and allows Real Happiness to not only become but remain a way of life long term.

Do you see that? And if you do, are you ready for some of that? Are you ready to actually experience it?

If so, stay with me, follow along, remain attentive and I'll do my best to point you in the direction where I know you can find it.


let's set the stage...

First of all, it's a very common thing in our busy and hectic world for people who have big hopes, dreams and visions for their life (or even those who consistently struggle just to make ends meet) to sometimes get so caught up in "trying so hard" to create success or simply survive, that they often lose sight of and forget how to live.

Really live I mean.

All guilty parties please raise your hand.

I'll be the first to step up and raise my own hand because, as I've shared, I've been there and done that personally. But since we're connecting and communicating through text and I don't know how to make a "text" hand I'll do the next best thing and just type…ME.

Now that I've stepped up, I'll ask you the same. Do you find yourself always busy doing this and busy doing that, thinking about doing this thing, that thing or this other thing and find yourself with little or no time to enjoy and savor life?

Or are you always thinking about, talking about and perhaps even stressing, anxious and maybe even freaking out about what you don't have and think you need rather than slowing down, tuning in and being grateful for what you DO already have?

And if so do you find that you never get any further and barely ever get past beating yourself up and maybe to some degree consistently find that you're worrying about what tomorrow holds?

Hey, if so you are definitely NOT alone. But that's precisely what creates what I like to call "life blindness" and has life passing so many by without them ever getting what they want and without ever realizing that life is passing them by.

But it is and it does. And once they discover it, it's often too late to change it. Not always but often.

I can't know specifically where you currently are in life or what your currently desired prize might be. For me it was creating success. What I perceived as being success at the time I mean. In my mind I was going for BIG success and I was determined to do whatever it took to get there.

Now on the surface that may seem to be a commendable goal and to an extent it is. I certainly thought it was. That's why I was always working really hard, always busy, always doing whatever it took to move toward and create what I "believed" at the time to be "success." And doing all that stuff is part of what enabled me to get the money and stuff I mentioned earlier.

And I did get there because that was my desired prize and I did what it took based on what I thought was necessary. And believe me, what I thought was necessary aligned perfectly with what it did take and I'll assure you that was PLENTY.

And then I "got there" only to find that it wasn't the prize I really wanted at all and definitely NOT where I wanted to stay. I definitely enjoyed "part of it" but I was missing so much in life to "get" what I later discovered to be only a very small part of what I truly desired.

Maybe your prize currently, as is the case with many people is to simply survive and get by. But you also find yourself working really hard, always busy, always doing whatever it takes to create and make sure you do survive?

That's what most everyone is doing regardless of how they view their prize. It doesn't matter if it's BIG success or mere survival and getting by.

And in either case, whether it's going for BIG success or mere survival, ultimately, at some point in time, most find or at least think that life is passing or has passed them by.

They also find at some point, that they didn't get to do what they truly wanted to do because they were always busy chasing this, chasing that, doing this, doing that only to find that the entire time they had been overlooking the important "stuff."

I know in my own personal life in years past that I could sometimes get so hung up focusing on and chasing this "all important prize of BIG success" that I forgot how to enjoy the game. Put another way I got so caught up and focused on winning the race that I forgot how to slow down long enough to even look at, let alone enjoy and savor the scenery along the way.

Can you relate? If you're still reading this, chances are better than good that you can.

And if you can, you already know that we can get so involved, in such a hurry, so focused, so busy and so anxious about manifesting the end result; what we honestly believe and truly think is the prize, regardless of how big or small it might be, that the scenery just whizzes by in a non-distinguishable flash.

And based on my own experience, before you know it; in what "seems like" the blink of an eye, you’re looking up and wondering where all those years went.

We find ourselves asking, "Where did life go?"

And many...most actually look back at what they wanted to do, what they could have done, what they should have done yet didn't do, or in some cases what they did do based on blind and short sighted choices but still, as a result, they feel regret.

And they also all have one other thing in common. They all say how life passed them by. That the years were a flash and that 10, 20, 30, 40 or more years "seem like" the blink of an eye.

And I think you'll agree, a number of years doing this or that, whether to create "perceived success" or mere survival that ultimately leads to regret is NOT a "good place" to be.

It certainly doesn't provide prosperity and happiness regardless of how much "stuff" you might have acquired along the way.

I'm far from alone in that observation. I not only know, fully understand and have experienced what that’s like personally, I interact with and assist countless others from all over the world who have as well. People from all cultures and all walks of life.

Maybe you're there now or beginning to realize just how true that is for yourself. But if you're not there yet, take just a minute and think back 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years and think about something that you thought of doing, really want to do and maybe even really meant to do beginning from whatever time frame you chose, but you still haven't done it yet.

Now come back to now. Does it seem like yesterday or somewhere close when you first thought about it?

If it doesn't "seem that way" to you yet, it will at some point.

Now, whatever time period you chose to look back on, what was there that you wanted to do, didn't do but really wish you HAD done?

Is it more time with the kids or the family? Is it traveling? Is it starting that business that you've "thought" so much about. There are an infinite number of possibilities so I'll just ask you specifically.

What is it for you? What is it that you wish you'd done but haven't yet got around to doing? When did that initial desire surface that you wanted to do but didn't?

How much time has actually passed and how long does it seem like it was? The blink of an eye right?

Do you feel regret or at the least have strong feelings that you should have done it by now or at least wish you would have?

If so, for now, don't worry about it. Just for now. Because it happens to A LOT of people and as far as the time passing in what seems like the blink of an eye, that applies to ALL of us and will become a reality at some point...regardless of where you are now.

No exceptions.

But you have to slow down long enough to think about it sometimes. Really think about it.

And once you're aware of it, if you truly desire to change things and actually get done what you hoped and wish you had, but didn't, it's going to be necessary to do something in the future that you DIDN'T do in the past.

Or the years are going to continue on and 5 years from now, 10 years, 20 years or more are going to seem like the blink of an eye.

As I sit and write this, I think back to what seems like yesterday when my kids were all still at home, the sounds of their little feet pitter pattering around the house, hearing those occasional giggles moving from room to room; and those occasional short lived arguments that would seem to come out of nowhere because something didn't go exactly as one of them thought it should.

Those memories are many. And they're very fond memories that go way way back and span the course of many years. But as I think back and reflect on these memories, even many years ago, it "seems like" yesterday. Although it's only been a few years since my youngest son went out to explore the world on his own, that "seems like" yesterday too.

Although I knew that was inevitable, somehow the years got by me much quicker than I thought they would or even believed they could for that matter.

And I don't mind saying, I miss those days. I miss all the cute little things they said and the many hilarious little occurrences that they were a part of, many of which they weren't even aware that I observed.

And as I think back and reflect I realize there's MANY things that I wanted to do yet I didn't DO them.

Ok, back to going after the prize.

Although I did get to experience and savor some of those precious and memorable moments over the years, at the same time I can't help but wonder how many of those moments I missed unnecessarily, overlooked or simply didn't take the time to slow down a bit and do, because I was "too busy" and so fixated on what I thought was the "real prize" at that time.

It's not so much a wonder as if I'm wallowing in the past in remorse or regret, because I'm not. But admittedly, on occasion the "human side of me" ponders those days at times wondering how I might have been there more and made it "better" for all of us.

That's why I do what I do today.

I made a commitment a number of years ago to do the best I'm able to make life "better" for anyone who's willing to listen and who truly desires to be, do and/or have more of what they "truly desire" in life. It's actually my passion to show and assist people to DO things differently than they have been so they might achieve more of what they "truly desire" to be, do and/or have more of.

And I do so by reflecting on, using and conveying my own experiences to assist anyone who is willing in doing that with the hope and intention that I might play a role in helping them to eliminate any possible future regrets.

That's why you're reading this right now. It's the best way I'm able and know to do that.

I certainly can't go back and redo things in my own past. Neither can you. But you CAN make a choice to do things differently starting right here, right now so you might HAVE what you truly do desire at some future point in time.

That way there's no regret, no remorse or no constantly thinking about, anxious about, worrying about what you could or should have done or what you could or should do but aren't.

That's how it came to be that I'm doing what I do today. It's also what enables me to achieve and "get done" what I thought about and wanted to do for many years but didn't get around to because I was so focused on what I thought to be BIG success.

I was too busy focusing on my desired prize and so busy that I missed A LOT of other things that I really and truly wanted to do but didn't do anything about.

I thought I couldn't at the time but I COULD have all along.

So this is the best way I know to make sure that I know to eliminate any possible "future regret" and make certain that I achieve what I've since defined as my "Soul Purpose." It's the best way I know to keep moving forward, keep on keepin on and hopefully make a meaningful and significant difference for you and as many as I possibly can along the way.

And although I do so for you and for anyone else who's willing to listen, learn and benefit from my experiences, I do it equally for myself.

Because I've discovered what the "real prize" is for me, what's truly important and what I truly value today. And it plays a HUGE role in bringing happiness, harmony and fulfillment in my own life and the lives of many others at the same time.

That's why I share what I do now. To perhaps provide a bit of my personal insights to you based on my own experience, with the hope and intention that I might provide you with the opportunity to experience more of what you value most too.

Maybe for you that means engaging and experiencing more of those cherished times with those who you love and who are extra special to you. Maybe it's something else altogether different for you.

Regardless I do what I do for you and for those that you might not be currently considering or thinking about as much as you will someday after you've finished going after and maybe even "getting" what you currently "think and believe" is your prize.

Maybe you know that applies to you currently and maybe you think it doesn't. Maybe you already know that it will impact your life in some way and maybe you think it won't.

I can't know what you're thinking or what you believe. But what I do know, based on my own experience as well as the experiences of countless others, is that someday it will.

And something else I do know is that the things that are important…I mean REALLY REALLY important are the things that we can sometimes; with all the best intentions, tend to temporarily put aside or even unknowingly take for granted as we progress toward attaining our treasured prize.

And all the while it's very easy to begin thinking and justifying to ourselves, “Well…it's only temporary and I'll get around to it someday" or "Hey, I'm doing this for them so they'll understand.”

Believe me when I tell you, I KNOW that it can prove to be a constant balancing act sometimes. Sometimes even, as it often was for me as well as many others I know, it can get damn frustrating at times.

Don't get me wrong…there’s nothing wrong with wanting and going after the BIG prize. It's a commendable trait in my opinion. Because to truly win in life, to be able to fully enjoy life and experience what we all desire it’s essential to take action.

It's an important, essential and necessary part of the game.

And although we all have desires; although those desires do vary from person to person, at some point we all come to the realization that what we really wanted all along and were really and truly attempting to attain is physical, financial, relational, emotional and spiritual harmony.

Yet so few ever do.

I had and still do have a desire to win the game like I think most everybody does. I have a desire like everyone else to be, do and have more.

But at some point I think it's also important to come to the realization that spending the majority of your life and the short time we have here staying focused and fixated on acquiring the material prize whether in large or small quantities isn't nearly as important as many “believe” that it is.

Nor is it nearly as important to attain as it sometimes "seems" as you discover once you achieve whatever it is that you've set out to do.

Because as we all find at some point, there's always more.

Once you get there, once you attain or achieve this “thing” whatever it might be, there will always be something else…something bigger…something better…something that you might currently believe will make you happy once you have it just like the many things before it which never delivered long term the sense of security, satisfaction, wholeness or completion that you “thought” it would.

And the reason is simple.

Buckle up because we're going to make a "radical shift" here.

It's because the real prize; I'm talking about The REAL prize that we ALL "truly desire"; the prize that underlies all this doing and getting isn’t anything physical.

And what that is, is a sense of completion. Completion isn’t derived from doing this or doing that or amassing and accumulating “physical stuff.”

Completion is something that happens and is experienced on the inside and has never, is never and will never be achieved through creating and acquiring things on the “outside.”

Real Happiness, Real Prosperity and a sense of completion is why we do whatever it is we do and often work so hard to get whatever it that we set out to get. Most are just doing it blindly without realizing what it is that they "truly do" want out of life.

Achievement and making progress in life is a part of it for sure. But at some point, what most “perceive” the real prize to be is going to go away like all material things do.

What is important…extremely important…is thinking about and becoming keenly aware and conscious of the needless and unnecessary sacrifices that so many have made; that you might be making currently or at some future point in time will make if you take your eyes off of what we all really and truly want and you; whether knowingly or unknowingly let your priorities get out of order.

If you allow whatever it might be that you’re doing to attain whatever your desired prize is; if you enable and allow it to dominate all your time and attention and, whether knowingly or unknowingly forget about those things and/or people that you love and value most, you're going to look back one day and know in an all too painful kind of way EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

I'm not just blindly rambling here. I speak from experience. I was engaged in a career for years that dominated ALL my time. I found myself seeking the BIG success prize 12, 14, sometimes 16 or more hours per day 6 days per week based on what I had been taught and "honestly believed" the prize was.

But guess what? What I had been taught and honestly believed was necessary to be happy and successful in life turned out not to be the Real Prize at all. It didn't provide happiness, harmony or Real Success in any way, shape or form.

Not even close.

As I learned by walking this "long path" that I chose, success isn’t about money and things in and of themselves. Success is about creating happiness and harmony in life...

Physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually...period.

I “woke up” one day after many years of spending the majority of my “time” attempting to acquire this form of “perceived success” before I realized that. It's what I refer to today as a form of illusionary success that I've found most are blindly and anxiously chasing after only to realize at some point that it wasn't what they were truly looking for.

That can be both a sobering and an eye opening experience when you come to that realization.

Like so many in our hustle and bustle world do today, I spent many hours a day for many years of my life chasing that material prize. Won it many times too. Made a lot of money, lost a lot of money. Made more, lost more. Had a lot of toys, lost a lot of toys.

Did we enjoy them…sure. But as I reflect and ask myself, were the missed ball games, being the absentee parent at many of the school functions, or missing those precious Halloween nights once a year taking your little Spider Man and Princess from door to door to get their treasured little candy treats worth it?

Was the constant mental, emotional and physical drain I experienced by constantly focusing on and chasing the money prize really worth it?

For me it wasn’t. For many others who I connect and communicate with it wasn't either.

And what I've since discovered in my own life is that those who I claimed to be doing it for didn't want what I thought they did either. I found that what I could give TO them and what I might do for them materially wasn't nearly as important as I thought it was.

What they REALLY wanted was ME being there for them.

I'm not talking about just physically being there. I'm talking about being FULLY there. Being fully attentive, receptive and 100% present when I was there and showing them how much I loved, appreciated and cared for them.

Until I came to the realization that although you can achieve a level of “material success” or some other exclusively focused on goal, hope, dream or desire, chasing, and struggling and putting your all into it, working long and hard to acquire it, there’s more to it than that. There's more to life than that.

So much more.

And I've also discovered there's a much easier and far more fulfilling way to achieve it and still experience the harmony and balance in other vitally and equally important life areas than most understand or are even aware of for that matter.

That way is developing the internal harmony; a way of being that happens and takes place inside. It's a way of BEING that enables, allows and creates the external having without having to scrape, struggle, sacrifice and work so hard to get it.

And it's a way of being that keeps your priorities in order and enables you to also do and have what you "truly desire to do and have.

It enables you to attain the material prize as well as other important life areas without having to blindly make so many unnecessary sacrifices or experience the many potential regrets that so many experience in their lives at some point in time.

And anyone can achieve it if they're willing to and they simply choose to.

Here’s the conclusion I’ve personally come to…

In life, time is the real prize. Having and being willing and able to take and spend the time to do what you love with who you love. Being able to spend your time doing whatever it might be that you love and value most.

That's the REAL prize.

Although many of us go after the material prize, whether it's for basic survival or in large quantity, I think at some point most discover as I did, it's not really the material prize you're after as much as you might think, but rather having the time and ability to share and enjoy life with those you love.

That's the REAL prize. So I guess a really important thing to think about and consider as you’re chasing your own prize is how much time does it take away from what matters to you most and are you neglecting or taking for granted the "really" important things as you go "out there" and do whatever it is that you do to get it.

If you have no one to share your prize with once you've got it in your hands; someone to celebrate your victory with you once you cross the finish line, to share and savor the fruits of your labor with you, the material prize really doesn't mean a thing. The same goes for mental, emotional and physical health.

Without those, all the money in the world won't do you a bit of good as it pertains to achieving Real Happiness and Real Harmony in life.

You can always spend and always get more money. But when you blindly spend your time, you can never regain it.

So my recommendation to you as I recommend to so many around the world is to become really conscious about how you might be spending yours. And if you find that what you think you want is narrowly focused, you might strongly consider expanding it and if necessary making some new life choices to achieve it.

By all means go for the prize but become consciously aware and think about what it takes to get it and make certain that you remember and understand that the Real Prize is really about love and happiness…both the giving and receiving.

The bottom line is, it’s never the material prize we’re after in and of itself, but the feelings that we believe having the prize will provide once we’re standing there holding it in our hands.

The Ultimate prize in life is really all about having, expressing and experiencing love and happiness and then filling in the other areas.

That’s where a “true” and lasting sense of harmony, happiness, fulfillment and a sense of completion comes from.

Although I'm well aware that a lot of people have to figure that out for themselves as I and so many like me have, the material prize and all the other "stuff" in and of itself can’t and won’t ever give you that.

Never has never will.

Love, Abundance, Happiness and fulfillment comes from within. It has nothing to do with having and has everything to do with “Being.“

Once you develop the ability to align and harmonize your internal way of being with your externally desired prize, you’ll discover that it comes to you in far simpler and faster ways. It’s not necessary to chase it or struggle to acquire it. In fact those factors can and will keep it from you or at best make it much more difficult to acquire than is necessary.

Be love…be abundant…be happy…and you’ll find that you’ll become complete and better enabled and empowered to do and have whatever your heart desires.

Find it within, share it with others and everything on the outside will fall into place.

If you’ll only choose to do that, you’ll find that you don’t have to “chase” the prize or anything else. In fact, you’ll start attracting it.

Coming to that realization could save you many years of toil, a lot of heartache, unnecessary anguish, any future remorse or regret and WILL make all the difference in every aspect of your life…physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually.

When you understand that you can consciously and effectively harmonize those pillars of your life. And if you choose to do so, you’ll know what “happiness, harmony, wholeness and completion” really and truly is.

And achieving that; getting that and experiencing that is what I personally choose to refer to as Real Abundance, Real Happiness, Real Harmony and Real Freedom.

That's the Real Prize.

If what I've shared here makes sense to you. If you currently find yourself "seemingly stuck", or in some way out of balance and unable to focus on or attain whatever it might be that you value most as you navigate your life path, chasing whatever your prize might be, I can assist you with that.

I do so through a publication called the Enlightened Journey Newsletter. Enlightened Journey is a free publication sent out each month that will lay a firm foundation and guide you step by step toward whatever your prize might be yet still enable you to maintain the harmony and balance that everyone in life desires yet which so few know how to achieve.

Not because they can't but rather because they blindly choose not to.

Enlightened Journey is a very unique newsletter. It's actually a personal empowerment publication that provides clear, insightful and effective steps for moving forward and experiencing whatever it might be that you "truly desire" and truly value in life.

Doing so is quite simple. In the form below, simply fill in your name, e-mail address and the country you reside in and we'll take care of the rest.

In addition, you'll receive a complimentary copy of my latest e-book titled "The Miracle of You and Your Cells" which provides a rock solid foundation to build upon as well as an uncommon understanding regarding life and yourself that's sure to assist you in being, doing and having whatever your "prize" might be.

You don't have to go it alone. Becoming a part of the Enlightened Journey Global Community will enable you, I and many others just like you from around the world to walk the path together that leads to where you; where we ALL "truly desire" to be.

So go ahead, take the first step, fill in the form below right now and I'll see you on the other side.

One more thing.

Prepare to get empowered.

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