Well, It's that time of year again when we think about our New Years resolutions and make our commitment to be, do and/or have more in the coming year than we did in the past.
And when we "do that"...when we make that commitment, we really mean it too. But more often than not something happens along the way. The end result is our once strongly held conviction fizzles out and what we set out to be, do or have doesn't become real and tangible as we hoped it would.
It's not uncommon which is sad in a sense. So I thought I'd share a way to make whatever heartfelt hopes, dreams, desires and aspirations that you might have, not only real and tangible but quite pleasant and maybe even effortless as you move toward doing so.
I hope you won't downplay the simplicity.
I "know" this can assist you in Being, Doing and Having more in 2011 and beyond. Maybe even Far More than you've ever dared to be, do and have in the past.
But what I know isn't important as it pertains to you nor will it determine whether you will or won't make your most sought after hopes, dreams an desires a reality.
But what I can do is share a way that I know from personal experience never fails, never wavers and never misses. And it's a way of "doing things" that creates "seemingly miraculous" results.
Check out how to initiate The Power of Being if you're ready for and serious about being, doing and having more for yourself.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation
You know it's amazing to me in an almost sad kind of way that more people don't recognize the fact that they already possess the ability to be, do and have whatever they choose in life.
I'm well aware of the fact that many can't see and in more case than not, don't believe that. Yet as I discovered a number of years ago, our individually chosen perceptions and beliefs don't make it "true", with the exception of those who choose to hold such perceptions and beliefs.
I wob't get into a lot of depth about that here since I cover that extensively in The 7 Hidden Keys to Conscious creation.
Everyone "thinks and believes" that they need something more than they already have to begin creating and experiencing a kind and quality of life that surpasses what is so often labeled as average.
But they don't. You don't. None of us do. The vast majority only "perceive" things that way which is the very thing that keeps them from getting anything and everything so many hope, wish and pray they could, yet never do.
The bottom line is, most take an outside in approach to life which is the polar opposite of what's necessary to experience a kind and quality of life that most everyone aspires to create yet "perceive" themselves as unable, unworthy and/or unqualified to make real.
I learned a number of years ago after walking a number of diverse paths, some of which were quite painful and terrifying, that to make heartfelt dreams, goals, passions and visions real and tangible in the simplest and quickest way possible it's necessary to develop the understand of how important an "inside out approach" to life is.
But most don't. They simply don't "get it" nor understand that choosing this inside out approach awakens them to and enables them to tap into, utilize and discover where their "true power" is found.
Yet many will never discover that simply because they never make the choice to do so.
So many, due to what they "see" going on out there, overlook the fact that we've ALL been provided the tools, the ability as well as an inalienable right of "free will" to choose our own paths in life whether they be desirable or "far less than desired."
But the fact of the matter is...what I often refer to as the "Higher Truth", we have anything and everything we could possibly need already to create or if you prefer co-create "Whatsoever we desire" as timeless wisdom so clearly states.
But it's not limited to timeless wisdom and the ancient texts.
With the immense progress modern day science has made and the incredibly enhanced and elevated understanding 21st century scientists have acquired, due to enormous technological advances in recent years, it's not at all surprising that what "used to be" perceived as mystical and esoteric teachings that have been shared, taught and conveyed for thousands and thousands of years by the mystics, sages and masters since antiquity, science is just now discovering and documenting just how "real, true, powerful and profoundly simple" those teachings are.
Admittedly, for a number of years I was quite "oblivious" to that fact myself until I made a "conscious choice" to discover it for myself.
It took a number of years, walking down a diverse number of paths before I finally decided enough's enough and I became serious about creating change. I suppose, to utilize the old cliche...I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. At that point I began making different choices than I had previously.
At one point I truly believed that my life....the events conditions and circumstances experienced in my life were determined and defined by what was going on in the world around me. But years later I would discover just how "untrue and self limiting" that choice was.
I'm finding that to be true with a rapidly expanding number of people today. With everything going on the world, the constant change, rising corruption, corporate dominance in political policy and decisions, the "perceived chaos" in the world's financial arena, etc. etc. etc., a lot of people are finding themselves against the wall.
Well...they "perceive themselves" that way at least. Yet it's only a "perception" and one that will keep them stuck there unless and until they choose otherwise.
Because the fact of the matter is, we're not stuck...or at least we don't have to be unless we choose that for ourselves. Yet it's those very choices...what we choose for ourselves individually that determines the kind and quality of results that we'll experience in our lives.
A lot of people don't "get that" yet although the number that are awakening to how "real and true" that is is growing exponentially. In fact it's spreading globally at a record pace.
People from all cultures and all walks of life are finding themselves where I found myself so many years ago...sick and tired of being sick and tired...and are choosing to venture out beyond their previously held "perceptions" regarding what's possible and not possible in life and discovering as I and countless millions of others have, that life and what we choose for our lives individually is precisely what we'll experience.
And it doesn't matter what's going on "out there" in the world around us. In fact it can't impact or affect us individually in any way, shape or form whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually unless we ourselves choose to allow it to. And whatever we choose whether struggle, mediocrity, hardship or an extraordinary quality of life, we ALWAYS get to be right.
Yet I'm also keenly aware that many don't "see that." They're unaware of just how "true" that is due to their individually chosen "perceptions and beliefs" regarding themselves, their lives, others and on a larger scale the world at large.
And due that "blindness"...a self chosen as well as self sabotaging form of "blindness". many are "unknowingly and unconsciously" choosing to remain "stuck", limited and in a number of cases quite "fearful" due to all the "seemingly random and chaotic" events, conditions and circumstances that are unfolding in the world each and every day.
But it's only a choice. An "unconscious choice" no doubt but a choice nonetheless. But since it is nothing more or less than a choice it's something that can be changed and shifted anytime one chooses to do so.
And what's amazing and really exciting about that is the fact that if and when that choice is made and followed through on, as those who choose that can attest, creating and experiencing an extraordinary quality of life is much more simple, enjoyable and far less "effortless" than most can even fathom.
But the sad fact of the matter is that many never do make that choice to experience just how "true" it is for themselves.
Why? Simply because they haven't yet "chosen" to take the initiative to explore beyond what they currently "perceive" and claim to "know" with respect to what's real, right and true regarding their individual potential and the infinite probabilities that are equally available to all of us. And there are ZERO exceptions with the exception of what we choose as individuals.
Because life and what we experience in life always in ALL WAYS finds it's root in the choices that we make or choose not to make. Yet another often overlooked fact is that most don;t realize that NOT choosing is also a choice.
Not a very empowering or beneficial one, but a choice nonetheless.
Contrary to widely held perception and belief, that's the ONE and ONLY thing that sets the ultra wealthy apart from the poor and seemingly destitute...choices. It's the one single common denominator that sets the happy and fulfilled apart from those who "perceive" themselves as being in hopeless and inescapable circumstances that leads to such widespread depression and anxiety that so many globally experience.
Yet it's self induced and most simply don;t understand or even believe in a number of cases that they have the ability as well as the inalienable right to change things anytime they choose.
That's based on theory or speculation. That "knowing" doesn't come from philosophy or some airy fairy way of seeing and viewing life. The power and the potential behind it has been taught for thousands upon thousands of years and in the last hundred or so, has been validated and documented by some of the most brilliant scientific minds in the history of the world.
Yet many simply choose not to listen, hear and/or seek out what is so readily available and easily accessible to all of us without exception.
Again, a choice and as "unconscious" and dis-empowering a choice as it is, many still choose it and experience the tangible results and/or the lack of that always harmonizes with whatever they choose.
The real facts are there exists no such thing as disharmony, chaos, lack or limitation in the world but rather predominantly focused qualities of "consciousness" which further solidify the "beliefs and perceptions" that such misguided choices create.
Creation is always perfect, precise and unwavering. Most simply choose never to explore and discover the "real cause" behind it all which always leads back to individual choice...EVERY TIME.
As one of the Masters made very clear...
"To see things in the seed, that is genius."
Discover the wisdom and power behind that statement and you'll become enabled and empowered to experience a kind and quality of life that is often "perceived" by those who only hope, wish, pray and wait as being "reserved only for the lucky and fortunate few." It's not and never has been. It's available and attainable by you just as it is anyone else who chooses it for themselves.
I held a live, interactive conference in 2009 with participants from a round the world called The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation that explains in very simple, rational and logical detail just how real and true that is and clearly points those who are truly seeking and desiring change in their lives just how simple and profoundly transformational choosing that understanding can be.
Here's to you, your future and my sincere hope that you'll discover for yourself just how real, true and powerful what I've shared is.
If you're finding yourself fearful as so many are, if you're "perceiving yourself as being backed against the wall and unsure about what to do, if you find yourself believing that what's going on in the world around you is the determining factor as to what you can create and experience or not experience in your life, I would encourage you to explore, seek an discover the "Higher Truth" regarding you, your potential, the possibilities available to you and how the choices that you make determine just how high or low that quality of choice can take you.
If you're open and interested in learning and understanding more, check out what I share at 7HiddenKeys.com or review a recent publication I wrote addressing and answering a number of questions received from inquiries regarding The 7 Hidden Keys which will, if you're not already aware assist in elevating your understanding and level of awareness with regard your individual potential, the possibilities available to and for you as well as your inherent gifts enabling you to be, do and have whatever you choose for yourself.
Here's to positive and profound change in your life, the kind and quality of which is, always has been and always be determined by you and the choices you make.
I'm well aware of the fact that many can't see and in more case than not, don't believe that. Yet as I discovered a number of years ago, our individually chosen perceptions and beliefs don't make it "true", with the exception of those who choose to hold such perceptions and beliefs.
I wob't get into a lot of depth about that here since I cover that extensively in The 7 Hidden Keys to Conscious creation.
Everyone "thinks and believes" that they need something more than they already have to begin creating and experiencing a kind and quality of life that surpasses what is so often labeled as average.
But they don't. You don't. None of us do. The vast majority only "perceive" things that way which is the very thing that keeps them from getting anything and everything so many hope, wish and pray they could, yet never do.
The bottom line is, most take an outside in approach to life which is the polar opposite of what's necessary to experience a kind and quality of life that most everyone aspires to create yet "perceive" themselves as unable, unworthy and/or unqualified to make real.
I learned a number of years ago after walking a number of diverse paths, some of which were quite painful and terrifying, that to make heartfelt dreams, goals, passions and visions real and tangible in the simplest and quickest way possible it's necessary to develop the understand of how important an "inside out approach" to life is.
But most don't. They simply don't "get it" nor understand that choosing this inside out approach awakens them to and enables them to tap into, utilize and discover where their "true power" is found.
Yet many will never discover that simply because they never make the choice to do so.
So many, due to what they "see" going on out there, overlook the fact that we've ALL been provided the tools, the ability as well as an inalienable right of "free will" to choose our own paths in life whether they be desirable or "far less than desired."
But the fact of the matter is...what I often refer to as the "Higher Truth", we have anything and everything we could possibly need already to create or if you prefer co-create "Whatsoever we desire" as timeless wisdom so clearly states.
But it's not limited to timeless wisdom and the ancient texts.
With the immense progress modern day science has made and the incredibly enhanced and elevated understanding 21st century scientists have acquired, due to enormous technological advances in recent years, it's not at all surprising that what "used to be" perceived as mystical and esoteric teachings that have been shared, taught and conveyed for thousands and thousands of years by the mystics, sages and masters since antiquity, science is just now discovering and documenting just how "real, true, powerful and profoundly simple" those teachings are.
Admittedly, for a number of years I was quite "oblivious" to that fact myself until I made a "conscious choice" to discover it for myself.
It took a number of years, walking down a diverse number of paths before I finally decided enough's enough and I became serious about creating change. I suppose, to utilize the old cliche...I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. At that point I began making different choices than I had previously.
At one point I truly believed that my life....the events conditions and circumstances experienced in my life were determined and defined by what was going on in the world around me. But years later I would discover just how "untrue and self limiting" that choice was.
I'm finding that to be true with a rapidly expanding number of people today. With everything going on the world, the constant change, rising corruption, corporate dominance in political policy and decisions, the "perceived chaos" in the world's financial arena, etc. etc. etc., a lot of people are finding themselves against the wall.
Well...they "perceive themselves" that way at least. Yet it's only a "perception" and one that will keep them stuck there unless and until they choose otherwise.
Because the fact of the matter is, we're not stuck...or at least we don't have to be unless we choose that for ourselves. Yet it's those very choices...what we choose for ourselves individually that determines the kind and quality of results that we'll experience in our lives.
A lot of people don't "get that" yet although the number that are awakening to how "real and true" that is is growing exponentially. In fact it's spreading globally at a record pace.
People from all cultures and all walks of life are finding themselves where I found myself so many years ago...sick and tired of being sick and tired...and are choosing to venture out beyond their previously held "perceptions" regarding what's possible and not possible in life and discovering as I and countless millions of others have, that life and what we choose for our lives individually is precisely what we'll experience.
And it doesn't matter what's going on "out there" in the world around us. In fact it can't impact or affect us individually in any way, shape or form whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually unless we ourselves choose to allow it to. And whatever we choose whether struggle, mediocrity, hardship or an extraordinary quality of life, we ALWAYS get to be right.
Yet I'm also keenly aware that many don't "see that." They're unaware of just how "true" that is due to their individually chosen "perceptions and beliefs" regarding themselves, their lives, others and on a larger scale the world at large.
And due that "blindness"...a self chosen as well as self sabotaging form of "blindness". many are "unknowingly and unconsciously" choosing to remain "stuck", limited and in a number of cases quite "fearful" due to all the "seemingly random and chaotic" events, conditions and circumstances that are unfolding in the world each and every day.
But it's only a choice. An "unconscious choice" no doubt but a choice nonetheless. But since it is nothing more or less than a choice it's something that can be changed and shifted anytime one chooses to do so.
And what's amazing and really exciting about that is the fact that if and when that choice is made and followed through on, as those who choose that can attest, creating and experiencing an extraordinary quality of life is much more simple, enjoyable and far less "effortless" than most can even fathom.
But the sad fact of the matter is that many never do make that choice to experience just how "true" it is for themselves.
Why? Simply because they haven't yet "chosen" to take the initiative to explore beyond what they currently "perceive" and claim to "know" with respect to what's real, right and true regarding their individual potential and the infinite probabilities that are equally available to all of us. And there are ZERO exceptions with the exception of what we choose as individuals.
Because life and what we experience in life always in ALL WAYS finds it's root in the choices that we make or choose not to make. Yet another often overlooked fact is that most don;t realize that NOT choosing is also a choice.
Not a very empowering or beneficial one, but a choice nonetheless.
Contrary to widely held perception and belief, that's the ONE and ONLY thing that sets the ultra wealthy apart from the poor and seemingly destitute...choices. It's the one single common denominator that sets the happy and fulfilled apart from those who "perceive" themselves as being in hopeless and inescapable circumstances that leads to such widespread depression and anxiety that so many globally experience.
Yet it's self induced and most simply don;t understand or even believe in a number of cases that they have the ability as well as the inalienable right to change things anytime they choose.
That's based on theory or speculation. That "knowing" doesn't come from philosophy or some airy fairy way of seeing and viewing life. The power and the potential behind it has been taught for thousands upon thousands of years and in the last hundred or so, has been validated and documented by some of the most brilliant scientific minds in the history of the world.
Yet many simply choose not to listen, hear and/or seek out what is so readily available and easily accessible to all of us without exception.
Again, a choice and as "unconscious" and dis-empowering a choice as it is, many still choose it and experience the tangible results and/or the lack of that always harmonizes with whatever they choose.
The real facts are there exists no such thing as disharmony, chaos, lack or limitation in the world but rather predominantly focused qualities of "consciousness" which further solidify the "beliefs and perceptions" that such misguided choices create.
Creation is always perfect, precise and unwavering. Most simply choose never to explore and discover the "real cause" behind it all which always leads back to individual choice...EVERY TIME.
As one of the Masters made very clear...
"To see things in the seed, that is genius."
Discover the wisdom and power behind that statement and you'll become enabled and empowered to experience a kind and quality of life that is often "perceived" by those who only hope, wish, pray and wait as being "reserved only for the lucky and fortunate few." It's not and never has been. It's available and attainable by you just as it is anyone else who chooses it for themselves.
I held a live, interactive conference in 2009 with participants from a round the world called The 7 Hidden Keys To Conscious Creation that explains in very simple, rational and logical detail just how real and true that is and clearly points those who are truly seeking and desiring change in their lives just how simple and profoundly transformational choosing that understanding can be.
Here's to you, your future and my sincere hope that you'll discover for yourself just how real, true and powerful what I've shared is.
If you're finding yourself fearful as so many are, if you're "perceiving yourself as being backed against the wall and unsure about what to do, if you find yourself believing that what's going on in the world around you is the determining factor as to what you can create and experience or not experience in your life, I would encourage you to explore, seek an discover the "Higher Truth" regarding you, your potential, the possibilities available to you and how the choices that you make determine just how high or low that quality of choice can take you.
If you're open and interested in learning and understanding more, check out what I share at 7HiddenKeys.com or review a recent publication I wrote addressing and answering a number of questions received from inquiries regarding The 7 Hidden Keys which will, if you're not already aware assist in elevating your understanding and level of awareness with regard your individual potential, the possibilities available to and for you as well as your inherent gifts enabling you to be, do and have whatever you choose for yourself.
Here's to positive and profound change in your life, the kind and quality of which is, always has been and always be determined by you and the choices you make.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Life Path and The Miracle of You
Today let's touch on dreams, desires, success and failure as it relates to our individual life path.
We all have hopes, dreams and desires we aspire to create and experience in life. All of us without exception.
Regardless of who we are, where we live, the level of our success or how many times we experience "perceived" failure, we all desire more of something. The more that we want individually varies, but there's no denying the fact that we each want more of something.
Some want more love...others more money...others greater or more vibrant health, a greater spiritual connection or some variation of all of these.
Some get and make what they want real and tangible with ease it seems, while others seem to struggle and fight and grind and do, do, do. And although there are times that "doing things that way" may eventually enable to get whatever it might be that they want, it was hard.
Some never go for it at all simply because they don't think they can and so they never receive what they want.
Why is that?
What differentiates between these 3 seemingly different groups? That's the 37 gazillion dollar question isn't it...Why? What determines the difference in getting with ease, getting through struggle and not getting at all? What determines the difficulty or the ease the possibility or the impossibility?
The answer is quite simple actually. Profoundly simple. Yet it doesn't always "seem" that way. But the only reason it doesn't is because we haven't ventured outside of what we know to be true to discover, apply and experience the simplicity for ourselves.
Those who get what they want with ease don't need to. Whether they're aware of how and why things come easily to them or not is immaterial. They're doing something right whether consciously or unconsciously. They are harmonized with what they desire at some level and it comes.
But what about those who struggle and work really hard to get what they want and those that don't get it simply because they don't think they can so they refuse to even try?
What if something could be done to make the outcomes easier to acquire or to assist those who "perceive" it's no use to move toward what they want rather than away from it?
Well there is something that can be done and it's quite "simple" really.
Like everything there are some layers that have to be removed to get to the core of the answer. Not because it's difficult or complex but only because we have to make our way through all the "perceived" difficulty and complexity that we believe is so necessary.
The difficulty and complexity based on the "perceptions" that we have and choose to hold individually about the getting or not getting and the having or not having of this thing or things that we want more of.
Although even that sounds and is often "perceived" as being difficult and complex it's quite "simple." Profoundly simple.
In fact, once you do that...once you choose to get through all the perceived complexity, the simplicity becomes blatantly obvious. The answer reveals itself. The "floodlights" start coming on, making what you want...whatever you want quite simple to get.
The amount of complexity and the "perceived" difficulty we have to sort through to get to the "simplicity" varies as well. That's unique to each of us. There are various factors in play that determine that level of complexity and "perceived" difficulty that we experience individually.
But really...at it's core it's nothing more or less than a choice. An individual choice. And that choice is only dependent on and determines the "paths" that we choose to walk down.
That's all life is really. Choices and Paths. We choose paths, walk down them and the scenery we "perceive" as we do determines our future choices which keeps us headed down whatever path those choices create.
So in essence we are observer/choosers.
That opens the door to many paths. An infinite number of paths and the ones we choose to walk down determine the amount of complexity, difficulty or simplicity that we'll experience individually.
And the number of paths are literally infinite in nature. There are hard paths, easy paths and paths that fall in between. There are varying career paths, family paths, relationship paths, financial paths, etc. etc.
For the sake of simplicity let's narrow this infinite number of paths down to the long and short paths.
Whatever our more might be individually, we can choose to take the long path or the short path. They both exist and which we choose determines the level of simplicity or difficulty that we encounter as we make whatever our "more" might be real as we travel from desire to desire throughout our life.
Let's start on the surface. The place where most stay focused and give all their time and attention to. Let's call it the logical and the practical path.
Those that do...those that get and fulfill their heartfelt dreams and desires do what it takes until they reach wherever it is they desire to go. They don't know what quit means. They don't know or at least refuse to acknowledge that "It's Not Possible." Not possible isn't an option for them. It's not in their vocabulary. They "keep on keepin on" until they achieve whatever it might be.
And those that don't get want they want simply quit prior to seeing whatever their more might be take form.
Does that mean that achieving our individually held goals is meant to be for some and not others? Does it mean that some get to have and others don't? Is it just the luck of the draw?
Absolutely not, although that's what many "believe." And for those who "choose" to "believe" that, it becomes true for them. They eliminate any hope or possibility of getting whatever it is or the attainment of that thing becomes possible or not possible.
But it goes beyond that. We also get to choose whether it will be easy or hard. Granted most don't see things that way. But that's based on beliefs and perceptions as well. It is hard for some...for most in fact.
Does that mean that the fulfillment of a desire, regardless of what it is has to be hard? No. They simply choose to remain blind to the fact that hard or easy becomes real based on their individually chosen "beliefs and perceptions" and whatever those are, they get to be right. It only depends on the path they choose.
Those who choose to "perceive" it as being "hard" never see or acknowledge the simplicity and as a result never discover how "simple" and "seemingly effortless" it can be. So they stay on the do, do, do path that makes it hard.
But it's a choice. An individual choice that we each have the right to make or not.
There are also people who just kind of exist in limbo. They never exercise their ability to make whatever it is they want "real" simply because they "believe and perceive" that getting it or not getting it is based on some "chance occurrence."
They "believe and perceive" that life is determined by a "roll of the dice"...that life just delivers what it will and whatever that is, we might just as well accept it. That is after all, how it is right? I mean this is reality we're talking about here!!
These are the hopers and wishers and maybe somedayers. Those are the ones that bank their success or failure on the 1 in 800,000,000 odds that they'll hit the lottery...someday..."maybe." These are the ones that are waiting for their "ship to come in."
And so they settle. They hope and wish and pray and wait and wait and wait for "someday." But someday never comes.
Regardless of what the situation and unique beliefs and perceptions that we hold as individuals are...we get to be right. Always without exception.
Depending on who you talk to...depending on the various "perceptions and beliefs" we each have as individuals and what we "think" is the reason for achieving or not achieving our individually chosen desires is what sets those who do apart from those who don't do. It's what determines whether it's hard or easy.
That's layer 1.
What underlies that?
Personal will. The level of personal will is the fuel that drives or stalls. The individual amount of personal will we each possess is what differentiates between those who have and those who don't have...those who get and those who don't get.
Personal will goes beyond "want." We all want but not everybody has a strong enough personal will to see their desires through to fruition. Getting what we want requires more than wanting. We all want yet it's no secret that we don't always get what we want.
We CAN...we just don't.
But the reason we don't is simply based on what we "believe and perceive" as being possible or not possible and our individually chosen beliefs and perceptions about the possibility or improbability of that thing or things happening for us determines the outcome.
Breaking through the "perceived" obstacles is what's necessary. Breaking down the limiting perceptions and beliefs is what reveals and enables us to discover and walk down the "short path."
In most cases that requires personal will, the amount of which depends on the individual. The personal will necessary to tie my shoe varies from that of wanting to make a million dollars this year or get that dream job or start a business or whatever it might be.
Based on what most believe and perceive, any of those can "seem" really difficult. Equally as difficult actually.
If I don't "know" how to tie my shoe it can "seem" really hard. Impossible even...that is unless I choose to learn how simple it is. But to do that I have to make a choice. A simple choice granted, but a choice nonetheless. Until I make that choice it can "seem" and will remain impossible for me to tie my shoe.
It's no different with a million dollars. If I don't know how to make a million dollars it can "seem" really hard or impossible even. That is unless and until I learn how "simple" it can be.
So want is really nothing more than desire. How badly do we "desire" to see our more, whatever it might be, become real and tangible? How much "personal will" is it going to take to get whatever it is?
That's a question that only you can determine for yourself.
How hard or easy is getting that thing? That's a choice as well. We can attempt to do it the way most do which is in essence choosing the "long path" or we can step outside the box a bit and discover the "short path." They both exist. They're both easily accessible. Whichever we choose is the one we get to walk.
The long path is crowded I can assure you. I've walked it. It's the long, hard, populated path.
It's not difficult. It's not complex. It's not impossible. It just is whatever we choose. We can make our more real or we can believe and perceive that we can't. We can make it hard or we can make it simple. We can take the long path or we can take the short path.
There is no "wrong" path in the bigger scheme of things. Just paths.
The short path requires nothing more or less than making a choice to understand how simple it can be. When we discover that and can clearly see just how "simple" it is, the path reveals itself. The "tangible outcome" reveals itself in far more "simple" ways than we previously imagined it could.
I've personally walked the long and the short path. I went down the long path believing that it was the only path that existed. And as long as I believed it, that's the "path" I walked until I chose to step outside of my own self limiting "beliefs and perceptions" to discover there was a different path.
But until I believed it I couldn't find it. I was blinded to it although it was there all along. I just couldn't see it because I chose not to. I refused to accept the fact that it existed and so it didn't. Not for me that is...until I chose something different.
It was there, I just didn't "choose" it.
I recently wrote and released a book that shows how "simple" it can be. It reveals the "short path." It's quite logical and practical. It's extremely simple.
What's even better is it's free.
It's called 'The Miracle of You and Your Cells.' It clearly shows why things can "seem" to be so complex as well as what makes them simple.
Should you choose to read it, I'm quite confident you'll discover how simple getting what you want is.
It will assist you in eliminating the "perceived" difficulty and complexity, introduce you to the short path and enable you to get whatever your more might be.
Should you "choose" to, you can get it here.
We all have hopes, dreams and desires we aspire to create and experience in life. All of us without exception.
Regardless of who we are, where we live, the level of our success or how many times we experience "perceived" failure, we all desire more of something. The more that we want individually varies, but there's no denying the fact that we each want more of something.
Some want more love...others more money...others greater or more vibrant health, a greater spiritual connection or some variation of all of these.
Some get and make what they want real and tangible with ease it seems, while others seem to struggle and fight and grind and do, do, do. And although there are times that "doing things that way" may eventually enable to get whatever it might be that they want, it was hard.
Some never go for it at all simply because they don't think they can and so they never receive what they want.
Why is that?
What differentiates between these 3 seemingly different groups? That's the 37 gazillion dollar question isn't it...Why? What determines the difference in getting with ease, getting through struggle and not getting at all? What determines the difficulty or the ease the possibility or the impossibility?
The answer is quite simple actually. Profoundly simple. Yet it doesn't always "seem" that way. But the only reason it doesn't is because we haven't ventured outside of what we know to be true to discover, apply and experience the simplicity for ourselves.
Those who get what they want with ease don't need to. Whether they're aware of how and why things come easily to them or not is immaterial. They're doing something right whether consciously or unconsciously. They are harmonized with what they desire at some level and it comes.
But what about those who struggle and work really hard to get what they want and those that don't get it simply because they don't think they can so they refuse to even try?
What if something could be done to make the outcomes easier to acquire or to assist those who "perceive" it's no use to move toward what they want rather than away from it?
Well there is something that can be done and it's quite "simple" really.
Like everything there are some layers that have to be removed to get to the core of the answer. Not because it's difficult or complex but only because we have to make our way through all the "perceived" difficulty and complexity that we believe is so necessary.
The difficulty and complexity based on the "perceptions" that we have and choose to hold individually about the getting or not getting and the having or not having of this thing or things that we want more of.
Although even that sounds and is often "perceived" as being difficult and complex it's quite "simple." Profoundly simple.
In fact, once you do that...once you choose to get through all the perceived complexity, the simplicity becomes blatantly obvious. The answer reveals itself. The "floodlights" start coming on, making what you want...whatever you want quite simple to get.
The amount of complexity and the "perceived" difficulty we have to sort through to get to the "simplicity" varies as well. That's unique to each of us. There are various factors in play that determine that level of complexity and "perceived" difficulty that we experience individually.
But really...at it's core it's nothing more or less than a choice. An individual choice. And that choice is only dependent on and determines the "paths" that we choose to walk down.
That's all life is really. Choices and Paths. We choose paths, walk down them and the scenery we "perceive" as we do determines our future choices which keeps us headed down whatever path those choices create.
So in essence we are observer/choosers.
That opens the door to many paths. An infinite number of paths and the ones we choose to walk down determine the amount of complexity, difficulty or simplicity that we'll experience individually.
And the number of paths are literally infinite in nature. There are hard paths, easy paths and paths that fall in between. There are varying career paths, family paths, relationship paths, financial paths, etc. etc.
For the sake of simplicity let's narrow this infinite number of paths down to the long and short paths.
Whatever our more might be individually, we can choose to take the long path or the short path. They both exist and which we choose determines the level of simplicity or difficulty that we encounter as we make whatever our "more" might be real as we travel from desire to desire throughout our life.
Let's start on the surface. The place where most stay focused and give all their time and attention to. Let's call it the logical and the practical path.
Those that do...those that get and fulfill their heartfelt dreams and desires do what it takes until they reach wherever it is they desire to go. They don't know what quit means. They don't know or at least refuse to acknowledge that "It's Not Possible." Not possible isn't an option for them. It's not in their vocabulary. They "keep on keepin on" until they achieve whatever it might be.
And those that don't get want they want simply quit prior to seeing whatever their more might be take form.
Does that mean that achieving our individually held goals is meant to be for some and not others? Does it mean that some get to have and others don't? Is it just the luck of the draw?
Absolutely not, although that's what many "believe." And for those who "choose" to "believe" that, it becomes true for them. They eliminate any hope or possibility of getting whatever it is or the attainment of that thing becomes possible or not possible.
But it goes beyond that. We also get to choose whether it will be easy or hard. Granted most don't see things that way. But that's based on beliefs and perceptions as well. It is hard for some...for most in fact.
Does that mean that the fulfillment of a desire, regardless of what it is has to be hard? No. They simply choose to remain blind to the fact that hard or easy becomes real based on their individually chosen "beliefs and perceptions" and whatever those are, they get to be right. It only depends on the path they choose.
Those who choose to "perceive" it as being "hard" never see or acknowledge the simplicity and as a result never discover how "simple" and "seemingly effortless" it can be. So they stay on the do, do, do path that makes it hard.
But it's a choice. An individual choice that we each have the right to make or not.
There are also people who just kind of exist in limbo. They never exercise their ability to make whatever it is they want "real" simply because they "believe and perceive" that getting it or not getting it is based on some "chance occurrence."
They "believe and perceive" that life is determined by a "roll of the dice"...that life just delivers what it will and whatever that is, we might just as well accept it. That is after all, how it is right? I mean this is reality we're talking about here!!
These are the hopers and wishers and maybe somedayers. Those are the ones that bank their success or failure on the 1 in 800,000,000 odds that they'll hit the lottery...someday..."maybe." These are the ones that are waiting for their "ship to come in."
And so they settle. They hope and wish and pray and wait and wait and wait for "someday." But someday never comes.
Regardless of what the situation and unique beliefs and perceptions that we hold as individuals are...we get to be right. Always without exception.
Depending on who you talk to...depending on the various "perceptions and beliefs" we each have as individuals and what we "think" is the reason for achieving or not achieving our individually chosen desires is what sets those who do apart from those who don't do. It's what determines whether it's hard or easy.
That's layer 1.
What underlies that?
Personal will. The level of personal will is the fuel that drives or stalls. The individual amount of personal will we each possess is what differentiates between those who have and those who don't have...those who get and those who don't get.
Personal will goes beyond "want." We all want but not everybody has a strong enough personal will to see their desires through to fruition. Getting what we want requires more than wanting. We all want yet it's no secret that we don't always get what we want.
We CAN...we just don't.
But the reason we don't is simply based on what we "believe and perceive" as being possible or not possible and our individually chosen beliefs and perceptions about the possibility or improbability of that thing or things happening for us determines the outcome.
Breaking through the "perceived" obstacles is what's necessary. Breaking down the limiting perceptions and beliefs is what reveals and enables us to discover and walk down the "short path."
In most cases that requires personal will, the amount of which depends on the individual. The personal will necessary to tie my shoe varies from that of wanting to make a million dollars this year or get that dream job or start a business or whatever it might be.
Based on what most believe and perceive, any of those can "seem" really difficult. Equally as difficult actually.
If I don't "know" how to tie my shoe it can "seem" really hard. Impossible even...that is unless I choose to learn how simple it is. But to do that I have to make a choice. A simple choice granted, but a choice nonetheless. Until I make that choice it can "seem" and will remain impossible for me to tie my shoe.
It's no different with a million dollars. If I don't know how to make a million dollars it can "seem" really hard or impossible even. That is unless and until I learn how "simple" it can be.
So want is really nothing more than desire. How badly do we "desire" to see our more, whatever it might be, become real and tangible? How much "personal will" is it going to take to get whatever it is?
That's a question that only you can determine for yourself.
How hard or easy is getting that thing? That's a choice as well. We can attempt to do it the way most do which is in essence choosing the "long path" or we can step outside the box a bit and discover the "short path." They both exist. They're both easily accessible. Whichever we choose is the one we get to walk.
The long path is crowded I can assure you. I've walked it. It's the long, hard, populated path.
It's not difficult. It's not complex. It's not impossible. It just is whatever we choose. We can make our more real or we can believe and perceive that we can't. We can make it hard or we can make it simple. We can take the long path or we can take the short path.
There is no "wrong" path in the bigger scheme of things. Just paths.
The short path requires nothing more or less than making a choice to understand how simple it can be. When we discover that and can clearly see just how "simple" it is, the path reveals itself. The "tangible outcome" reveals itself in far more "simple" ways than we previously imagined it could.
I've personally walked the long and the short path. I went down the long path believing that it was the only path that existed. And as long as I believed it, that's the "path" I walked until I chose to step outside of my own self limiting "beliefs and perceptions" to discover there was a different path.
But until I believed it I couldn't find it. I was blinded to it although it was there all along. I just couldn't see it because I chose not to. I refused to accept the fact that it existed and so it didn't. Not for me that is...until I chose something different.
It was there, I just didn't "choose" it.
I recently wrote and released a book that shows how "simple" it can be. It reveals the "short path." It's quite logical and practical. It's extremely simple.
What's even better is it's free.
It's called 'The Miracle of You and Your Cells.' It clearly shows why things can "seem" to be so complex as well as what makes them simple.
Should you choose to read it, I'm quite confident you'll discover how simple getting what you want is.
It will assist you in eliminating the "perceived" difficulty and complexity, introduce you to the short path and enable you to get whatever your more might be.
Should you "choose" to, you can get it here.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A High Level of Positive Self Esteem Is Vital To Getting What You Want
I connect and work with a diverse group of people around the world who have a sincere desire to be, do and have more in life.
That's not an uncommon thing. The desire to have more. In fact we ALL have the desire for more of something without question. Our individually held desires for what more we want individually no doubt varies, but our desire for experiencing more, whatever it might be for us individually is ingrained in each of us.
You could say it's a very real part of who we are. It's our nature. I suppose you could say it's a universal thing.
Point being...wanting more, regardless of who we are or where we live isn't an uncommon thing.
But getting whatever more we might want is quite uncommon.
But the only reason it is uncommon is because the vast majority overlook and never fully come to the place that they understand the fact that to get it requires "believing" that we can have it. That's where so many people get stuck. They just settle for the fact that they don't have it, can't get it and that they might just as well accept it.
And while accepting what life delivers is important...vitally important...most accept unnecessarily. They accept "not having" because they "believe" they have to.
As a result of this "choice" as "unconscious" as it might be they never make the choice or take the initiative to begin "consciously choosing" to adopt the necessary "belief" to get whatever their more might be.
And that's the most vital part of getting whatever it might be that we want. In fact, that's the ONLY reason that people get or don't get "more" of whatever it might be that they want.
And it doesn't matter which area of life it is. It all boils down to the very same reason. It's another one of those "universal things." We get or don't get based on what we "believe" we can have or not have regardless of what it is.
Some want more love, others more money and still others greater and more vibrant health. But as much as they want it...as much as they "consciously desire" to get this thing, they "unconsciously sabotage" the possibility for it to show up.
They end up as the vast majority does, not getting it simply because they don't "believe" they can have it so they end up settling.
What so many "choose" to overlook is that their "belief" harmonizes with what they get 100% of the time.
It NEVER fails. It can't fail in fact. It's the immutable and unwavering design of the process.
It really doesn't matter if the individual desire is physical, financial, relational, emotional or spiritual in nature. That's the only thing that differentiates each of us and makes us unique.
And it also doesn't matter the size and scope of the thing desired. Because, whether you choose to believe or not believe that can you can have it, you get to be right.
Your belief supports the fact and the facts remain unchanged as long as you believe they will. You get to keep seeing the same thing over and over and over again. And that "seeing"...the results that we "see and experience" in tangible form as a result, solidifies our belief as to how "right" we are.
To see something different only requires that the cause creating it, be changed. Put another way to experience something else, it's only necessary to break the cycle that is feeding the process that creates the cycles that so many often "perceive" themselves as being unable to break, providing whatever we're experiencing and "settling for."
And the "BIGGEST" reason...at least that's what most call it...is due to a "lack of self esteem." They don't realize how powerfully creative...or if you prefer co-creative they are. They "overlook" and remain oblivious to the fact that it's what they believe regarding themselves, their lives and their ability to have or not have this "thing", which "allows" them to have or keeps them from having it.
I could go on and on, but since this is a "blog post" and not a book I'll leave it at that for now.
If you'd like to explore why what I've shared is "true", you might find benefit in what I've spent a number of years creating, sharing and writing about at abundance-and-happiness.com.
The Power of Positive Self Esteem specifically will provide more depth as to why I believe what I've shared here is "true."
Stay tuned, I've got much more to share and I hope you find benefit.
That's not an uncommon thing. The desire to have more. In fact we ALL have the desire for more of something without question. Our individually held desires for what more we want individually no doubt varies, but our desire for experiencing more, whatever it might be for us individually is ingrained in each of us.
You could say it's a very real part of who we are. It's our nature. I suppose you could say it's a universal thing.
Point being...wanting more, regardless of who we are or where we live isn't an uncommon thing.
But getting whatever more we might want is quite uncommon.
But the only reason it is uncommon is because the vast majority overlook and never fully come to the place that they understand the fact that to get it requires "believing" that we can have it. That's where so many people get stuck. They just settle for the fact that they don't have it, can't get it and that they might just as well accept it.
And while accepting what life delivers is important...vitally important...most accept unnecessarily. They accept "not having" because they "believe" they have to.
As a result of this "choice" as "unconscious" as it might be they never make the choice or take the initiative to begin "consciously choosing" to adopt the necessary "belief" to get whatever their more might be.
And that's the most vital part of getting whatever it might be that we want. In fact, that's the ONLY reason that people get or don't get "more" of whatever it might be that they want.
And it doesn't matter which area of life it is. It all boils down to the very same reason. It's another one of those "universal things." We get or don't get based on what we "believe" we can have or not have regardless of what it is.
Some want more love, others more money and still others greater and more vibrant health. But as much as they want it...as much as they "consciously desire" to get this thing, they "unconsciously sabotage" the possibility for it to show up.
They end up as the vast majority does, not getting it simply because they don't "believe" they can have it so they end up settling.
What so many "choose" to overlook is that their "belief" harmonizes with what they get 100% of the time.
It NEVER fails. It can't fail in fact. It's the immutable and unwavering design of the process.
It really doesn't matter if the individual desire is physical, financial, relational, emotional or spiritual in nature. That's the only thing that differentiates each of us and makes us unique.
And it also doesn't matter the size and scope of the thing desired. Because, whether you choose to believe or not believe that can you can have it, you get to be right.
Your belief supports the fact and the facts remain unchanged as long as you believe they will. You get to keep seeing the same thing over and over and over again. And that "seeing"...the results that we "see and experience" in tangible form as a result, solidifies our belief as to how "right" we are.
To see something different only requires that the cause creating it, be changed. Put another way to experience something else, it's only necessary to break the cycle that is feeding the process that creates the cycles that so many often "perceive" themselves as being unable to break, providing whatever we're experiencing and "settling for."
And the "BIGGEST" reason...at least that's what most call it...is due to a "lack of self esteem." They don't realize how powerfully creative...or if you prefer co-creative they are. They "overlook" and remain oblivious to the fact that it's what they believe regarding themselves, their lives and their ability to have or not have this "thing", which "allows" them to have or keeps them from having it.
I could go on and on, but since this is a "blog post" and not a book I'll leave it at that for now.
If you'd like to explore why what I've shared is "true", you might find benefit in what I've spent a number of years creating, sharing and writing about at abundance-and-happiness.com.
The Power of Positive Self Esteem specifically will provide more depth as to why I believe what I've shared here is "true."
Stay tuned, I've got much more to share and I hope you find benefit.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Unconditional Love, The Law of Attraction and You
I've discovered over the past few years since The Secret introduced what's currently being called the law of attraction that few make the connection between Unconditional Love, The Law of Attraction and just as importantly how we each fit into the bigger scheme of things.
As true as that is, the willingness to make that connection, if you haven't already, could mean the difference between mediocrity and greatness.
As great as The Secret production was, what could be accurately conveyed in a 90 minute production obviously left much more to know and understand.
Although attempting to write about it at the depth necessary in a blog post wouldn't provide the clarity necessary, I recently distilled it into the shortest yet most comprehensive format that I possibly can with the hope that you might benefit from what is shared as many have.
You can access 'Unconditional Love, The Law of Attraction and You' here.
Perhaps it will fill in many of the blanks that the Secret was unable to.
As true as that is, the willingness to make that connection, if you haven't already, could mean the difference between mediocrity and greatness.
As great as The Secret production was, what could be accurately conveyed in a 90 minute production obviously left much more to know and understand.
Although attempting to write about it at the depth necessary in a blog post wouldn't provide the clarity necessary, I recently distilled it into the shortest yet most comprehensive format that I possibly can with the hope that you might benefit from what is shared as many have.
You can access 'Unconditional Love, The Law of Attraction and You' here.
Perhaps it will fill in many of the blanks that the Secret was unable to.
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